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Dealing with Quan-Chis teleports and pressure.

Not many people use Quan Chi online, and the few I do run into arent very competent with him so even in nearly 2000 matches I dont have a lot of matchup experience versus good Quan Chi players.

However I have this frined who uses Quan-Chi and constantly uses the teleport to drop near me and start pressure. I cant figure a reliable way to deal with this. Either I try an attack, poke special etc, which most of the time leads to him hitting me first into a combo. Or I hold block and then proceed to get constatnly mixed up with Quan's high low strings.

It seems that sometimes the move clips me a little if Im not blocking and I get stunned for an eternity or he can drop iright next to me into instant pressure.

So Quan Chi players, any advice, what stuffs the teleport mind games.

I had the most problems when using kenshi and kabal against this tactic, and believe it or not even with sub-zero to an extent b/c i would use clones to cut off a side but he would just pick the other


The mixup off of Sky Drop can be fuzzy guarded. b+3 comes out sooner than u+3 so if you block low then high you can properly defend against the high/low mixup. Once you have this down the only mixup is are they going to throw or are they going to attack. Online there are so many attacks, like sky drop, that are easily punished offline but are safe online. Sky Drop is unsafe unless they catch you during an attack animation.

If you are playing Kabal just dash block or NDBC your way into close range and start using block strings to keep the pressure on Chibo. Kenshi's hand-to-hand game is also superior to Quan Chi's. If you try to out zone him this gives him the opportunity to sky drop but up close you can knock him out of sky drop before he drops off the screen.

You probably know this but when you do successfully bait and block a sky drop, always punish with a full combo instead of an uppercut.
I dash block in to get close due to the constant threat of trance, and this is when he usually sky drops and starts strings before I can do anything.

So my only real option is to just fuzzy guard once he drops and look for a chance to get out. I was just wondering if it was punishable somehow if I bait out the drop. He rarely drops right on me but when he does he does eat a full combo so thats why he avoids it.

It seems like I should be able to low poke him after he lands and before he starts a string but the poke doesnt seem to come out fast enough.


you can punish whiffed sky dropps the same way you punish raiden teleports let go of gaurd and attack right when they appear

PND OmegaK

Drunk and Orderly
I'm not sure why you're struggling; unless the lag is really intense. Whiffed sky drop is really easy to punish even online. I think it's just one of those things that comes with practice.
I'm hardly ever punished online when I use skydrop unless I literally hit them and do the little flippy thing for ten seconds in the air, and then usually it's only an uppercut.