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Dealing with fame and criticism....


Dojo Trainee
I just wanted to take the opportunity to thank and show support to all of the household names who post here and share information frequently. There isn't many activities in life where the best of the best will come out and interact on a public forum daily. You do not see Peyton Manning posting regularly on the NFL.com boards. Even if he did he definitely would not be sharing information and strategies on quarterbacking. There is many reasons for that and one of the main ones is criticism/arguments that will inevitably start up.

It takes a very thick skin to be able to put up with the crap and recognize the greater good in what you are doing. Many of us are thankful but we get lumped in with the trolls and haters that vocalize their thoughts more often. Supporters aren't as vocal and in some cases are even discouraged from supporting (words like dick riding/ass kissing/brown nosing come to mind). The point is, there is a reason the negativity surfaces and I can understand how it would seem like it is all negative any time you try to contribute.

It has never been more evident how this phenomenon is affecting the community. It has driven a lot of players away so I just wanted to make a post to show support for you guys and I can guarantee you the majority will agree (even though they may not speak up).