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Dealing with crossups

Sup all, I recently got into mortal kombat and I enjoy playing alot, and I'm always looking for ways to improve my game. It's been a while since I got completely destroyed in a match, but I noticed that the people who dump on me the most are those who just constantly do crossup jump in punches and follow it up with a string or half a string and then repeat it. I block them normally, but by the time I try to punish it seems like they're already jumping over me again and they catch my punishing attempt with their next jump punch and land a combo on me.

Basically I just don't know what to do against crossups, I think it's one of my biggest weaknesses right now. I basically get trapped blocking until I eventually get comboed and get free. If anybody has tips on what to do on this, I would really appreciate it.

My bests are Cage, Kitana, and Liu Kang so specific help would be good too :D
with cage, flip kick definitely comes to mind. The only problem, as with kitana and liu kang, is that switching the direction you need to do the inputs becomes a problem when you incorporate human error and a few other variables (distance at which the cross over started, how quickly they began the crossover, etc.), but if you can do it, then that'll bust you right out. As far as kitana, i've certainly been caught by her lift on wake up every so often, but, once again, directional problems. With lui kang, counter, and.... oye... directional problems.

No no no, i think what is truly necessary here will be a universal fix. Heres some options.

First of all you can jump out. as soon as you see them end their block string, input your jump, and put out your kick or punch as soon as you can while you try to get away. Because you need to wait a moment for the jump punch not to wiff above them, normally they won't have a hit box out by the time yours shows up if you react with a jump. Furthermore, even if they predict your jump out and knock you out of it, normally it will throw you far enough away to prevent further punishment, and you'll usually end up only having taken one hit and landing with enough room to at least reset spacing and go back to an offense/defense game. This, in my opinion, is the most consistent method, and at least won't leave you terribly vulnerable (against most of the cast anyway.)

You could also do an uppercut, but i wouldn't recommend it unless you know your character has a fast one. For the record, i am unaware as to the uppercut speed of cage, kitana, and LK, but I do know that even if you have a fast uppercut, your opponent really needs to have acted slow for the uppercut to win.

Lastly, NJP. This is probably the most profitable of the options. Personally I like to make sure i can get out of the situation entirely, BUT, i digress. When you throw out your njp, if it lands, you just got a launch, and should be able to go into a full/ semi-full combo. I would recommend this one for opponents who are just breezing by with cross overs, because if you throw out a harsh punishment for a favorite tactic, then you should effectively scare them out of using it so much, at which point the two of you will get into a guessing, controlled aggression type of situation.

Hope this helped!


Sup all, I recently got into mortal kombat and I enjoy playing alot, and I'm always looking for ways to improve my game. It's been a while since I got completely destroyed in a match, but I noticed that the people who dump on me the most are those who just constantly do crossup jump in punches and follow it up with a string or half a string and then repeat it. I block them normally, but by the time I try to punish it seems like they're already jumping over me again and they catch my punishing attempt with their next jump punch and land a combo on me.

Basically I just don't know what to do against crossups, I think it's one of my biggest weaknesses right now. I basically get trapped blocking until I eventually get comboed and get free. If anybody has tips on what to do on this, I would really appreciate it.

My bests are Cage, Kitana, and Liu Kang so specific help would be good too :D
I can't lie, I do the cross-up BS to people when I can. It's a good tactic, but bothersome. I have been working on a few ways
to slow these guys down (with the help of some TYM experts).
Uppercut is good (If you are fast as hell & your characters have fast uppercuts)
NJP works (must also be fast)
Air throw spamming (works best for me but I use smoke and kano:) ) Once threw a jip guy an entire match.
Basically finding YOUR guys best AA and developing your jedi (if you like in-fighting). Or start zoning a lot more.

This shit take work. Too much if you ask me.


Cage's standing 1 is a great anti air. A lot of normals in this game are actually great AA moves. D1 is a great one and a lot of characters can combo off them. Actually, when you play good opponents you will rarely see them jump punch, instead they often jump kick because D1 and other anti airs blow up the jump punch cross up soo much.


There are two ranges for cossup.
1) when they are very close
2) when they are somewhere between a jump in and a crossup.

2nd cant really be countered, except by dashing in and out.

Counters to 1st may vary from character to character, you will need to practice a bit (ask a friend to use some blocksting-jump or just spam a lot of jumps to get a hold of your characters timings)

1) A lot of characters uppercut is a good way to beat crossup. to do this, you need to be able to react to jump, then, release block, wait a split second and input uppercut.

2) Some characters d+1 has a hitbox that allow you to consistantly beat crossups , i.e. reptile, scorpion d+1 counters crossup always, as long as you got the timing down.

3) Moves that have armor can be input on reaction, but your input need to be the opposite direction from where the jump started.

4) A lot of moves can counter crossups, once you got reaction and timing down - for example fast standing 1 will beat basic crossups. But if you're using moves that do not lower your characters hitbox (like d+2 or d+1) your enemy can time their punches so that they beat your 1's. In this case, though their jump punches will wiff if you just duck.

5) Moves that lower your hitbox to a very low point (character dependant) will escape crossup punches by making them wiff. For example some characters d+3 put their hitbox so low, its not possible to hit them with jump punch at all. If you use d+3 early enough, you will have advantage when they land. If you do it late, you will still escape the punch, but will be at a disadvantage.

6) If you are too late to counter crossups with your attacks (i.e after wiffing a move) you can usually jump to save yourself some damage. If your opponent loves to atack right away after jump punch connects he will miss his chance to combo if jump punch hits you in the air.

7) Jumping with preemptive kicks or punches is scrubby.


Nordic myth
Few options

NJP for big combo damage ending in a nutpunch
A well timed Flip kick / Uppercut

Crossup jump is rarely safe, in online it tends to come out as a safer than it actually is. Mostly this is because its hard to do those normal reactions in time. using crossup constantly online is a lag-setup and would not work well in offline if spammed.