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Dealing with Airgameplay and Ground Gameplay

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist

Everyone i ever played is manage to make use of air space a lot, this made me work with the Anti Air Punch a lot for this situations.
Since then i try to counter almost anything, or even make sure opponent thinks twice before he makes a step.

So far i managed to understand:

1- Everyone who Chase JiPs combos needs to jump a bit close; Anti-Air Work 90% well in these situations.

2- A few players Who notice This will definately Jump from Afar Distances to avoid the Hit Box Capture, and since he is in airfield he will nail a blow and continue his combos; Counter with projectiles and give continuity to combos from there its my choice, also:

if you manage to jump with him and hit him 1st with a punch your character will land first, and you will be able to continue combos from there.


a) Opponent Chases a JiP Combo.
A: You Jump with Punch and hit him, your character land first, Juggle, Juggle Juggle...

A few Characters can move in airfield after jump, those are hard to counter because you dunno when will they use his movements to escape, hit you, or if they will simply jump to you, and those Characters are:

Kitana (Square Wave)
Kung lao (Dive kick, Teleport "Risky")
Noob Saibot( Teleport Slam)
Kabal (Can stay away with Gas Blast and if you Block, he can D4 to Ground Saw)
Sindel (Can use fire balls at distance, but its risky)
Quan Chi( Sky kick)
Rayden (EletricFly /DABADABAYA!!!)
Smoke( Will proposely Whiff with teleport)

In most of the case, since a few of this moves are punishable, 40% of chances of opponent not using them are considerable, but this will be acording to what type of gameplay you do have, wish will require more that simple anti-air punch to counter this moves, sometimes, you will just have to block them, or better, stay away from the hit range and then Zone him quickly before he thinks on something.

Once oponnets notice that JiPs in front, or even from afar its almost impossible on you, they will try to Jump on your back to land his moves so he can combo, here a clever tatic somes in.
I dunno who created, but sounds very creative and hard to do, but with practice you will be able to do it.

Its the OFF-SET AA punch, on the moment he passes the cartesian graphic of your character, you can quickly hit Punch to catch him on the oppose side and extend your punishment from there.
However this type of OSAA its still a bit risky, opponents that suffered from this managed to hit buttons right away before he pass on the other side of the screen, leaving them openned to other tatic.

OFF-SET AA POKE, yeah, the most hard to do if you ask me, but very useful in every match, if you want to play in EVO i advice you to Master this, because every most advanced Player i watched on the vids are able to do this, forcing a ground game, where you can't just behind him because you can get Poked on the other side.


1- First thing About Ground Players, They do DASH/Block to get near to you, even if you decide to use Keep Away tatics, he is willing to sacrifice a few % of his life to cornering you and the create an oportunity to continuely pessure you.

Characters who dominated the Airfield game completly WILL do this to force you Jump, do not do it, instead, keep with him in the best ground game you can offer, or if you can keep way from him using other tatics its fine.

Also, this will resume in a situation of who will submit to first mistake, until there, Poking each other to safe attacks is possibly the best bets, but there is characters that can't benefict from this game, like, Sektor, or Ermac.

This is where Mind games enters in action together with the Mixups and Delayed inputs, and strings to break trough the defence and force opponents to the 1st mistake.

2 - By getting their Character Pressured opponent will cleary do something just to get away with or he will simple block, this is where you counter, whoever gets knocked down will possibly lead to the Wakeup advantage game.

If someone blocks a lot he will surely be thrown, and everytime he is not aware of it, he hardly will be able to escape it.

Characters that can wakeup attack faster will also willing to do it.

a) If a Jax's Players gets pressured a lot he tends to Dash Punch you with Armor.; if he Does, it can be countered, if not, Jax will be in bad situations.

b) Nightwolf's players, are willing to Tackle to avoid getting Zonned, if they get uppercuted or Punished a lot, they will start to use the EX version, still don't be afraid, this version is so Punishable as the normal one, there is small window of vulnerability before the second elbow starts.

c) Kung Lao's will tend to Spin on you if you Rushdown on him, be aware, you can pick the exact time to fake out a Rushdown and just block in front of him, he the time between your block and the opponent awarenes be exact, he will possibly assume you will rushdown him.

But this doesn't mean they will always do this, experienced players managed to hold their wills and to everything different when he notice what you will be expect him to do.


a) You assume Jax Palyers will Dash Punch you if he gets knocked, even if its just a few times, an experienced Jax players, will never Wakeup attack like this unless you commit a mistake of vulnerability, instead, since he knows you will be expecting this, he will simply wake up and rushdown you on pressure, or yet, ground punch you range.

b) You assume Nightwolf's "Nike" Players will Tackle you to be in advantage, if he is awared of this, he will simply wake up, and lighting you to a set up, and turn the game in to his favorable position.

c) You assume Kung Lao's Players will Spin, since he is awared of that, he will simple rushdown on you and force you to block in order to build his meter or grab you....

So be sure to get timing, and know exactly what to do and When to do, and you can deal with these situations with no much problems.

Based on my own fighting experience Trough MK9


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Jump punch , with advantage on block stun, to continue with combo or set a tick throw, or a jump kick for the same purpose, is one of the tough moves to deal with , if you are not paying attention in a match, are not trained well in using AA or evasive moves timing them correctly ....

I mean, sometimes you do very well against rushdown and attacks coming from dash foward attempts, and defend well against pokes, footsies, ground attacks, but , fails miserably on accepting some cheap air game against you , so, develop some kind of defense or pure reflex against air attacks seems to be very unavoidable in this game ....

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Wow, i think its been a long time since i post this, or even entering online again well.

Hi Jared how is it been? yeah its true that peoples keep jumping in this game a lot to chase combos, but intil now i still think that is the wrong way to fight against me, i can counter almost every type of JP(jip) or JK(jik) in different ways, until now i did...
i mean, if you get awared of what is comming, you can counter on right timming, AA, Dash trough the move and counter before he lands, poke, jump and atack first..


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
I think you can only do it, if you foresee that, because, if your adversary is at "2 dashes" of distance range from you, if next he dashes once, he can : or continue to dash , to advance and go for ground attack option, or, he suddenly jumps, so, it's a 50/50 .... guess game.
Punish jump punch on reaction, in a properly way, is hard. I think you can only do it, if you condition your adversary to do it, after learning his attack pattern.
By cgabcem in certain distance, your jump attack will always hit, right above your opponent, or even, crossing up to the other side.
A jump punch only whiffs if , done in a distance that it lands out of range, or if your opponent use some move that low down his/her character hitbox, or if this move make him pass through the JP, below ....
I have studying JP mechanics in this game, I think every character has at least one tool to deal with (with AA, Parrying, or just dodging with teleport), instead of just blocking and receiving block stun effect. The only character I have doubt how to deal well with JP is Shang Tsung .... any info about him, is welcome. :D