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Dead Cells - A game you should be playing.


It's all so very confusing.
Seriously. It's an excellent combat based platformer with smooth and precise movement. It's built to the Metroidvania, Roguelike-lite template, with persistent levels, bosses and routes, but the levels and items and such are procedurally generated. You have persistent progression through unlocks, some tied to rare and difficult to find blueprints and such. Numerous secrets and hidden areas. Etc.

Weapons and skills almost all feel unique and interesting to use. The ability to upgrade items and re-roll the kinds of affixes (+% dam to enemies on fire for example) synergizes with the mutations you choose as you progress to make very distinct builds.

It's very well done. It's in Early Access, but what's already there is more than enough to warrant the price. There's enough content in already to call the game complete, and they add more all the time. More levels, items and bosses are all coming.

In the interest of fairness, I have to say that game balance, between items, skills, augments (called mutations) and such can be a little sketchy sometimes. With some items being clearly head and shoulders above others. For the most part though, you can take anything you want and make it work, and messing with some of the weaker items can be huge fun in and of itself. Ultimately skill is the deciding factor in winning and losing though. You can run the best stuff the game has to offer and still get dumpstered (you will, a lot) by some of the enemies or bosses.

The game features a daily challenge mode with leaderboards and such, and it's coming along really well. The devs are active and update regularly.

Absolutely fantastic game. Worth every penny. I've dumped a TON of hours in, and just recently broke into 4c difficulty.

Thought I'd share. If anyone picks up the game, or is new/returning and wants some tips or recommendations, let me know. Happy to help.


Bout it
I've been eyeing that one for a while; it looks great. I'm a huge fan of roguelike (lites) with a shitload of content. I've probably logged more hrs in Binding of Isaac than in MKX. Going to definitely get Dead Cells when it drops on PS4, whenever that may be.


Searching for an alt.
I've been eagerly waiting for the console release as well. Saw it on a stream one day and made my friend buy it. In two hours we were both totally hooked!


Searching for an alt.
Making a mistake (or just assuming someone on a forum had access to YouTube and can just look themselves) is no big thing.

Complaining about something and then not doing the simple thing to fix it is just lazy. In the time it took to reply twice to this thread you could've just looked it up.


It's all so very confusing.
No trailer 'cause I figured if anyone was interested enough they'd follow up the post by checking out the game's website or YouTube/Twitch footage on their own.

I guess the next time I share a game I really think is excellent I'll try to provide all possible links.