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Damage question, super curious. Please Help.:)

So, hey. I'm Noogatuck, fighter noob and DC lover. I use mostly green arrow online, I have been told he is one of the hardest characters to use? not sure if that's true. Anyway, I've got a combo I use online, (frequently) once i have them trapped in a lvl transition corner. I prep an ice arrow, do my super, then as theyre falling from the super i do back,hard. when they come back, i freeze them and kick them through the wall. not super fancy. or even hard to do. but I calculated the damage and it should do 76% damage. yet it only does 52%. do you start doing less damage the longer the combo goes? or what is happening here?


Maybe I'll have something to say ... Probably not
The more hits in a combo the more damage will scale

From what I know of green arrow his combos are low damage in the first place but you could try to combo into an ice arrow then super and B3 them into transition since that will reset before the super but i don't know if it would do more (i don't play him)

I would keep the corner pressure instead of transitioning though since iirc he has a good corner game


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
So say you have 3 fire arrows and somehow combo all of them throughout your entire combo. Each arrow will do less damage then the next since they are being combo-d into each other. this is damage scaling.


Button Masher
Ice arrow scales transition damage down. it would be unfair if GA could get 30% unclashable for a mix up ice arrow.