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Just starting to get into this game for real. Always got a sweet tooth, always lookin' to up my game. I'm totally average but I'm getting better every day. I consistently beat "online warriors" 25% of the time if they have a 70% win percentage or higher. I've been playing a lot of Subby-Z lately, but I also play Ermac fairly well.

I normally lose to Kung Lao as Subby-Z because I can't slide through his damn low hats, and I despise facing Raiden with his sugary sweet teleport. My gamer tag is VirginTilMarriag (couldn't fit the "e", also, don't judge me ;). I'm on the PS3...Tom Brady says people from NoVa are no good at MK9, and if I'm the guage for that, he's 100% right...If anyone wants to get it goin' online, and teach me the ways of the "Kombat" lets get this party started.
Thanks for the welcome bro. Yeah I've been browsing for awhile. Found some good stuff so far, helped me up my level. Also found some tears mixed with some bottles of haterade, haha, what ya gonna do. If you ever wanna get some matches in let me know...though, you'll probably smoke me (pun intended if that's your main).
Welcome Fellow Sub-Zero Warrior!
(Title made me think of Jim Carrey in "The Mask", love that movie)
Add me if you want, might be able to throw in some games here and there.
Have a wonderful Day/Night.


Welcome to the site! Always down for some games once I get home later this week (or early next). Main SZ myself so it could possibly help speed up the learning process even.