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D4 + portal ?


"We share blood, we are not brothers!"

I`ve been a real retard when it comes to frame data lately but i guess im desperate to find something useful to add to my saibot arsenal.

that being said, i see the frame data says the following :

D4 cancel on block is +26
D4 cancel on hit is + 32

the excution of blackhole is 13f
the duration is 46 on both normal and enhanced

So, if d4 on block is +26 and blackhole is 13 startup, does it mean mean im at +13 or what? ( since 26 - 13 = 13 ), or do i subtract it from the duration? ( 46 - 13 = 33? )

i know im getting the whole thing wrong but i`ll keep digging and asking since im a character loyalist.

bear with me pls, thank u !


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Because black hole does not hit until well after you recover, you'll be using the duration to get the advantage numbers. Take your choice of advantage, and subtract the duration from it. You will be negative, regardless...enough to be punished pretty heavily. On hit, you'll be -14, -20 on block.

The startup is just when black hole appears on screen.