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Custom Variations will not be a part of Competitive Play


Shirai Ryu
Game Informer: I’m a big fan of the custom variations in Mortal Kombat 11. My concern about it was that with Injustice 2's gear, it was very customizable, but the competitive crowd didn’t take to it.

Ed Boon: Yeah. And we knew that. From before we even announced it, we knew that the competitive guys? They want regulation. They want, "These are your tools to work with, and there’s no changing them." So we knew this was more of a feature that the mass market would certainly love. But the competitive guys, they want a regulation pool table, a regulation basketball court.

Do you want the competitive crowd to tinker around and create their own variations?

Ed Boon: I don’t think it really works for the competitive thing, because the whole point is to be getting better and better. So you don’t want someone who’s like, “Oh, I’ve been working on building my character for six months,” and the guy who just bought the game yesterday, putting them together is not "regulation," so to speak. But online, when you’re playing people in our matchups, we take that into account. We do want players to say, “Hey, my Scorpion’s a little bit better now, let me go online and use them and continue level up.”

In the demo there were three variations to choose from. Are there always going to be three base variations that people can choose from?

Ed Boon: Yeah. The game will come with the “regulation” versions of the character, and you can add to one and build it. We’re kind of still thinking about whether we want to make those three fixed. We can let you copy and paste and then build from there, but I’m personally leaning towards having some base ones, certainly for competitive and tournaments.

source: https://www.gameinformer.com/interview/2019/01/17/ed-boon-talks-mortal-kombat-11s-variations-changes-and-roster


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So it’s Injustice 2 again. Characters will be without legacy moves that they should have, just because they needed to add weight to this stupid fucking gear system. What is so fucking hard about keeping cosmetic items purely cosmetic? Why keep muddying the waters trying to put in move customization that doesn’t work in competitive play and is broken and imbalanced in casual play? Am I missing something? Is there some secret community of Injustice 2 gear-move enthusiasts generating massive revenue for WB?


Hopefully its just like I2. No customizable stuff/stats/unlockable specials in ranked, and an option to turn them off in casuals/player matches. I think NRS has it covered.


Lin Kuei Scum, yellow robot enthusiast
All the abilities you can have are all spread within the three variations, but you can make custom ones out of them which are for casuals. You can't get new ones:

"Do you think that between those three variations, those will be a character’s entire moveset, or will there be custom-only moves?

No, I don’t think from the base three variations we’ll be adding to that. We want those things to be fixed, so players can know, "That’s the variation, I know how it plays, I’m learning how to fight against it.”

"Across those three – that will be the character’s entire moveset?

Yeah. We don’t want to leave stuff out, so I imagine that’ll be the base three, and they’ll encompass all of what that character can possibly do."


I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me
Am I missing something? Is there some secret huge community of Injustice 2 gear-move enthusiasts generating revenue for WB?
Basically the entire casual community. As in 90% of NRS' audience.

Most people really don't care. I know I never did.