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"Currently LIVE!" OGM Madness Mortal Kombat Tournament in Puerto Rico


Premium Supporter
We just got word of this tournament that is streaming "LIVE" now via http://ogmadness.net/index.php/the-channel/channel-1

We do not know how long the tournament has been going on, but word is they might be in the Top 8 right now. Tune in! Thanks to OGM PaiN for the tip!

Update: Players include -
ZAK Destroyer
ZAK Durex
Shadow Child


Once you have your goal you can begin to build a list of sections (links) that you need to include on your site. For example, a home page, a contact page, a products page, a services page etc. Jot them down on paper, a visual representation is far easier to work with than trying to keep it all in your head. These sections will form the building blocks of your site with all other content deriving from them so it's important you include everything you need to in order for your site to achieve it's goal.
How often will the site need updating? Some sites don't need updating very often at all, whilst others need to be updated every day. You should consider this factor when thinking about your own site.
Who will update the site?
Often if you don't need to update your site regularly it will be more cost effective to have your site updated by the person/company that built it and will also save you time. However, if you need to update the site regularly then you will benefit from having your site built with a Content Management System (CMS) included. Content Management Systems allow non-technical users to add, edit and delete content from a site quickly and easily. In addition to text content you can often add mulimedia assets such as images, photo galleries and video links to your site too (with no coding knowledge).
Content Management Systems can save you money
Initially a site with a Content Management System included will cost you more money than a site without, but over time it will be more cost effective for you as you won't have to keep paying interim charges to the site desgin company for updating your site.
Choosing a domain name A domain name is your website address. It's the www. bit. It's something every website needs and it's important you choose the right one. Most businesses usually use the name of their business as the address, although sometimes this is not possible and so an alternative has to be chosen.
Here are some tips for choosing a good domain name:
Don't choose long names that are too long - as well as being a bind to type in you may also find that fitting the domain name onto your letterheads and other stationary becomes difficult due to the length.
Don't include words that people often mis-spell - an example of this is the word veterinary. I used to mis-spell this all the time until I actually worked within the veterinary industry as a web designer. It would be far better to use the words vet or vets in your domain name
Choose a domain that's right for the markets you sell to - if you only provide services to the uk choose a .co.uk domain name, if you sell internationally then .com is better suited
You can have more than one domain name pointing to the same website
If someone has a domain name that you really need they may be willing to sell it to you. You can contact them to discuss this matter, just be prepared to pay for it