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Creating a stage or Creating your OWN CHARCTER


How many would like the feature to create your own stage with stage hazards from other levels? Also creating your own hero using other characters move sets? Wouldn't that really enhance the game?


Play Monster Hunter!
Stage creation would be kinda neat maybe.

Create a character sucks though, don't like those.
I'd only like character creation if I could import from DCU Online. Since that's beyond a pipedream, so is character creation. Besides which, Ed Boon already said no character creator for Injustice.


I am Arkham
No thanks.

I like creating my own character in many games, but when it comes to fighting games, or franchises I am a huge fan of (MK, Comics, Mario etc.) I like to use the characters that made me a fan in the first place. Character creation also allows to things being unbalanced. Lastly, I don't want to see a bunch of dumb looking weird characters online. I encourage creativity and imagination, but there's a good amount of people that just make some awful looking stuff, trying to throw everything they find "cool" all on one person, not matching at all. lol


Play Monster Hunter!
WHY? Maybe there could be a custom onlione fighter mode as well. So they wouldn't be OP??
If it was stuck in its own private online ghetto, then I wouldn't be completely opposed to it, but IMO, the custom characters really hurt SC4/5's online for me, and made me realize that everyone that isn't me has horrible taste in everything. I don't want to fight peoples stupid creations, they all look terrible and completely destroy the games atmosphere.

Also if they absolutely had to have a CAC, then they should go the SC route, and not the MKA route, that was a terrible idea.

Either way, it should stay in wrestling games, where it is appreciated.
No thanks. I can already build my own DC character if I want to play DCU Online. I would rather they put the DLC efforts into existing DC characters. If they had a build-your-own character feature I worry that DLC production efforts would instead be going into getting out costume option sets every week instead like Soul Caliber.
Not in this game.
Balancing would be destroyed. Lots of idiots would create marvel toons which would cause copyright problems. Look at SC5. Most creations are stupid. It would totally destroy the feeling of IGAU.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
The whole point is well known heroes and villains fighting each other. If there was custom characters all we'd ever see online is Batman vs Diarrhea Monster or Superman vs Generic Neon Knight. It'd seriously make my Injustice boner go from stiff to flaccid in seconds.



The one guy hoping for Kai
Entered this thread and as dissapointed when I found out it wasnt a thread to post your ideas for characters and stages.
I even came up with a LOSH stage and everything.:(