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Tech Corner tech (Crossup/non-crossup setups)


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
'Sup Dicks here's a video containing a lot of tech that you may/may not have known about.
Okay so basically, after doing the whole 113 setup that I posted ages ago, you can cancel 113 into Flying Grayson as shown in the video. I haven't tested this on everyone but right now it seems like a pretty awesome setup. It's basically the tech that TakeAChance posted but in the corner. You can't wake-up (haven't tested on everybody) and you can't block high, you can only crouch. You end up on the other side but I set Flash to his 6f reversal and I managed to D1 him before he even got a chance to start the reversal, so I think it's safe to say that you're on plus on block :D

Okay secondly, the part after the Flying Grayson is the crossup/non-crossup setup. After doing the combo shown (if you want the notations I'll give them) if you D2 immediately after the Escrima Fury then you don't crossup, but if you D2 after pausing a bit then you will crossup. The 1st video is the non-crossup and it shows me doing Sajam's U3 setup. The second is the crossup and it's pretty dirty. You have to guess which way to block, then you have to block in the other direction. The F3 in staff after the U3 is a crossup but you can wake-up/tech roll out of it pretty easily. So what do you think? Viable or not?

@Johnny Kahl
@AK partyeagle

GGA Wafflez

the kid
this looks so fuckin sick, but how are you hitting him after the first flying grayson? i am assuming the reason is also the reason for other flying graysons to hit too