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Question - Kung Lao Corner swap conversions


welcome to the ButtSlam
Hello everyone!

I'm fairly new to the game and i've been learning Tempest Lao (and a little bit of buzzsaw too) since i begin.

apart from the common BnBs and Air to air confirms, wich im already practising and get them quite often now, i've seen a lot of top players (mainly Foxy) using some "swap" combos when they're in the corner, so they can turn the position in their favour and get a little bit of dmg then just escape.

Now, i know that you have to run under the opponent after you launch him with a spin, but it seems i cant get a jk/dk, 21 after a standing 1. Also when you wake-up / Reversal with MB spin as tempest in the corner, do you need to run under, or just dash?

i'll be grateful if somebody is kind enough to post a list with a few of these conversions you can do to accomplish that.

If a thread like this already exist, I apologize, and i ask you wich one should i check.

thank you!


Learn from this.
a. You just gotta keep trying with the spin 1 jkdk 21, gotta be pretty fast.
b. For EXspin you can just do a normal dash under into any combo really, there is plenty of time they are in the air