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Coolest combos in MK9


"Strength isn't everything"
Hi guys.

First off, The Lui Kang/KL combo is obviously not possible, but it has to be one of coolest combo's in the game. I was messing around in tag practice and came up with this.

I like it because it in corporates a lot of different normals and moves, instead of repeated normals for damage.

The second one is a Noob/Smoke combo, it is possible as it only requires :x. But any older fans with nostalgic values will think this combo is great, due to the aesthetical nature of it, smoke appears disappears but appears in noob Saibot strings, and helps out with the double team :x, very cool of your tag them is noob smoke, nice Easter egg from NRS.

I know it's nerdy, but would any of you guys post your favorite "fantasy" combos in here, they don't have to be massive, but at least have some nostalgic value to them or incorporate as many different normals as possible, forget about damage or chained combos, as long as it flows and is aesthetically pleasing.

Forget practical, just make it badass.



This one's for you
I like the way you think :) I don't have any fantasy combos, but there's definitely some impractical stuff I've come up with. Here's one of my favorites:

Not sure what I think is the coolest combo in the whole game though.

Lord Beef

Death Metal and Trance
Any kenshi corner combo. Especially when converted from a ex RK cross up punish

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Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I loved that Kang/Lao combo. Perfect character of choice to use it on too. Looked like something you'd see in a story mode.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Some of the coolest looking combos in the game don't have much damage, or include a scaled to fuck X-ray. Some of he coolest combos were made in week 1-2
This x1000, I really hope UMK9/MK10 won't have as many dial a combos. Sure, you can do your own combos, with shittier scaling which look cool; but in a competitive setting that's asking to lose.

I just learn characters now by learning the max bnbs and then develop my strats after that. It's a boring way to learn most of the cast, but how else can you compete? Feel like we're all robots doing the same shit due to it. My Cage plays like that other Cage, my Sektor plays like that other Sektor, and my Reptile plays like that other Reptile too!

I want some individuality, man. I mean, there's some individual means of playing a character in terms of how overly aggressive/defensive you are, but that doesn't last for long. People saw shoryy's aggressive SZ, now there's tons of aggressive SZs out there.