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Console Combat 11/25/12 Results, featuring GGA!


Zoning Master
Here is what I remember.

Mortal Kombat 9

1. GGA 16 Bit (Kitana)
2. Perfect Legend (Kung Lao, Kabal)
3. GGA HAN (Cyrax)
4. m2dave (Freddy)

Tekken Tag Tournament 2

1. Sluch (Christie, Zafina)
2. m2dave (Lars, Leo)
3. SDogs (Christie, Kunimitsu)
4. Derrick Legend (Jaycee, Michelle)

Check out Console Combat for full results shortly.

At the moment, I am being silenced from TYM. Check out my Twitter Page for my take on this local tournament.


Zoning Master
So, when is PL going to tweet Kabal isn't top 10?
Fool, stop trolling.

The reality is that Console Combat players have not played too much Mortal Kombat lately while GGA players do nothing but play the game. I placed second at Tekken Tag Tournament (which is a rush down game, by the way. So all of you who claim I cannot rush down need to shut the fuck up) and fourth at Mortal Kombat. CoCo players lost to some gimmicks this weekend. We need to step and play more.


Go to hell.
Fool, stop trolling.

The reality is that Console Combat players have not played too much Mortal Kombat lately while GGA players do nothing but play the game. I placed second at Tekken Tag Tournament (which is a rush down game, by the way. So all of you who claim I cannot rush down need to shut the fuck up) and fourth at Mortal Kombat. CoCo players lost to some gimmicks this weekend. We need to step and play more.
That had nothing to do with anything I said. I will return your retort in kind.