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Video/Tutorial Congratulations Slips and Aris!


Head Cage
I decided to make this video for Slips and Aris!

*Also, shoutouts to the host of the ZaKa Podcast (Tokyobassist) for calling me while I was recording this video.*

I also want to point out that just because a character places high doesn't mean they're top tier. For example, Slips plays Scorpian in MK9. He did amazing against Perfect Legend. Does that mean scorpian is top 5 just because he did well against a top player and placed high in a tournament/regional/major? No it does not. A lot of players are not taking into account the players who play the character. They forget how good the player is and focus on the characters tools fully. Not trying to take away from Slips or Aris victories at all, considering they are far superior fighting game players than I will ever be, I'm just saying that I am tired of all this bickering between Deathstroke mains and Non-Deathstroke mains. It's embarrassing! This is supposed to be a community, not a forum for flame wars and hate! Who cares if deathstroke players were bitching? We were wrong and have come to terms with that. Look what happened with Kung Lao after the first patch. Remember how many people bitched about that. It happens and I'm pretty sure if Deathstroke didn't receive any nerfs and someone else high in the tier lists did then that part of the community would bitch just as much as the deathstroke mains, so don't act like all you non-deathstroke mains are saints of some sort.

Games change over time and so does what is viable, and what is not viable. Deathstrokes zoning may have taken a big hit, but his offense has been fleshed out a bit thanks to Mikman360 J360 and Coddfish for discovering his vortexes. In time Deathstroke will evolve into a vortex character with solid zoning. He is still solid and viable atm, but that could change over time, or he could stay the same. Let's all just play the game, okay?

"But Hito, you were bitching as well! Stop flip flopping and changing your opinion!"

Opinions changes just like the Meta's for any competitive game. I read the patch changes in the DS forums, all 9+ of them, and flipped out because at the time I was unaware that he has viable rushdown/vortex setups. Cut a guy some slack, okay?

<3 you all!!!


Tired, But Strong
Not feeling having another one of these threads, but it was well said nonetheless. It's important to remember that a player's achievements are often theirs and not their players. There's an overfixation on balance and characters in the community, and it's pretty toxic.

Tiers are matchups, and matchups are probability built on the premise of players of equally high skill.


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
ITT: Congrats Aris and Deathstroke! Now on to the real task at hand....

Why doesn't Milkman360 spell his own name correctly?
Reactions: RYX


Head Cage
I stand by my overreactions.

Doesn't mean I won't adapt. I pray every night that KF , BA and Supes get hit by the nerf bat too.
I'm making a video later this week either tomorrow or Tuesday about my final opinions of the character. He is solid and definitely playable, but he is either mid-low mid. Mid tier at best. No one over react because I need to make the video first. THEN people can over react lol


Not the Milkman.
I like your vids Hitoshura, but I feel the slight need to show some people what I did say in the other Slips thread, to go along with Zer0 Hundr3d's post.

I have a lot of respect for Slips, but I must say that not everyone he fought completely took advantage of DS's weaknesses. For example, every time he got his gunshots blocked by that KF player, I was screaming "ICEBERG DAT S***!!"

And I just want to make it clear now, I'm glad Slips got so far with DS, but this doesn't justify his nerfs still, and I stand by that fact. I'm still not happy with his unfair treatment by NRS, and Slips' outstanding performance while entertaining doesn't change that. You simply can't argue that DS got it worse than anyone in the cast (12 nerfs in one patch) and that certain ppl were more deserving (Supes, Adam).

At that, I am simply going to ignore everyone using this thread as an "I told you so" posting ground, and say gratz Slips. Your performance was extra hype.