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Complete EVO 2013 Injustice Stream Match List


As I watched the streams in the archive I've taken the liberty of recording all the things. This list can be used to find particular matches for reference in discussions and might come in handy:

Click here to see the stream match list

If I have time then I will make every match directly linkable or I might download the stream and split it up into each match separately. The brackets and results can be viewed here.


Now with working links to every single match. Enjoy.

PS: The names have been taken 1:1 from the stream. I noticed some inconsistencies concerning tags, clan names and whatnot. Since I don't know if this was intentional or not I have not corrected anything. Most players in the top 8 used slightly different names like ChrisG for example so I suspect at least some of it was intentional.


I'm currently downloading the stream but since it is about 30-40 GB this can take an hour maybe two if the download slows down. So I won't be able to provide the matches today (it's 01:00 am here now).