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Coming soon: Injustice GAU Tutorials by I$AAC


I put this thread up before but it got erased due to the TYM crash so here we go.

I'm doing a tutorial series when Injustice comes out. I will go into the basic of every characters( moves, BnBs, etc), they're playstyles, strategies, and so forth. Here's the trailer I made for the series:



Ok I've decided to make this into a community project. I will still capture and edit the vids but I'd figure We could cover more ground with multiple people getting input for multiple characters PM me if you are interested in taking part in this. If any "testers" are interested in helping out I would greatly appreciate it!


Can someone change the thread title to "TYM community tutorial videos for Injustice" and possibly put this on the front page. I already have some volunteers but I would like to see who else is interested.