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Combo Advice

Hey guys, I've tried searching around, but I've only been able to find little titbits of the info im looking for, so apologies if i missed it.

Just so you understand where im coming from I'll explain my fighting game background, and what im asking. I'm a capcom player mostly (of mid to high level), this is my 1st real experience with an MK game (other then mk 1 and 2 many many moons ago).

I'm looking for a relatively comprehensive explanation of the combo system as I'm starting to hit a wall with my development, mostly because I dont seem to understand the combo system.

I've taken to Noob, and Kung Lao and have spend quiet a while in the lab with both of them, however im having issues with B&B combo's.

An example of this is with Kung Lao, Fp, Bp, Fp, Fp, Spin. Now if i just mash this out, I always end up with a hat throw, if I let the combo connect the spin is blockable, I'm just not quite understanding the timing needed here.

Now I get how the link combo's are the same a any magic sequence from capcom games, what I dont get is the timing of the specials, and same goes with the juggles, do I then just mash out the combo again?

If anyone can point me in the right direction, or offer advice that would be awesome, Thanks in advance.


The problem you're most likely experiencing is with the ridiculous buffer system in the game. It's explained in this thread: http://testyourmight.com/forum/showthread.php?4033-Some-strange-stuff-regarding-MK9-s-buffer-system

For whatever reason, NRS decided to include a huge negative edge and buffering window into the game. What it does, is it drastically limits your ability to perform the desired special move in certain situations. I think one of the easiest examples is with Jax.

Jax's specials are:
Dash Punch - d,f+2
Gotcha Grab - d,f+1
Wave (projectile) - d,b+2
Ground Pound - d,f+3 or d,b+3 (there's a third variant as well)

Now, try to do Jax's 1,2 combo into a special move and here's what you'll get:

1,2, d,f+1 = Dash Punch
1,2, d,f+2 = Dash Punch
1,2, d,f = Dash Punch
1,2, d,b+3 = Wave
1,2, d,f+3 = Dash Punch

As you can see by the bolded option, you don't even need to press the attack button to execute the special move. The game takes your last attack input and uses whatever movement notation to cancel into a special move. So no matter what attack button you use after the special move notation, you get the Dash Punch (or Wave, depending on the directional inputs).

With this system in place I can't even test to see if Jax can cancel into ground pound after a combo. No matter what I do, I get one of his other specials. It's also very, very difficult to combo into Gotcha Grab because this specific chain ends with a 2. I have to buffer the Gotcha Grab early enough to avoid the buffering/negative edge system, but late enough for the full 1,2 combo to execute.

I've actually found that it's easier to hold 1, complete the combo, input the motion for Gotcha Grab, then release 1. Way more effort than what you should have to do. It's ridiculous.