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Cinematic Platformers


So this could be my favorite genre of gaming, or at least the most influential. I love everything about it, but I so rarely meet others that share my passion for this type of game. Let's see how many of my TYM siblings there are that have a love for cinematic platformers!

What defines a Cinematic Platformer?

Well, there isn't too strict of a definition, but there definitely needs to be some type of platforming obviously. But IMO the big thing that sets these games apart is their atmosphere. The backgrounds/worlds play a huge part in telling the usually subtle stories. That's probably why I wouldn't count Braid (as amazing as the game is) as a cinematic platformer. Another notable quality is that cinematic platformers usually have really good animation.

Or just put simply:

A typical platformer focuses on its gameplay mechanics more than anything else

A cinematic platformer isn't really about the gameplay as it is about how your actions affect the game's world.

The main purpose of this thread is create a list of games that fit this unique genre. I know that there are some games that fit this definition and I haven't played them yet. Let me know of games I've missed!

Old School Cinematic Platformers

Prince of Persia - Apple II
Another World (aka Out of this World) - PC, SNES
Flashback: Quest for Identity (Multi)
Generations Lost - Genesis
Heart of Darkness - PSone, PC
Oddworld (Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exodus) - PSone, PC

New School Cinematic Platformers

LIMBO - 360, PC, PS3
Inside - XBone, PC (Not released yet)
Vane - PC (Not released yet)

3D Cinematic Platformers

Shadow of the Colossus - PS2
Journey (?) - PS3
The Last Guardian - ? (Not released yet)

Alright! Let's discuss, gush, debate, whatever!

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"What's that? Something like underground?"
Will reply to this soon, out to dinner. I completely forgot about Ico and Shadow of the Colossus the last time we talked.

Atmosphere in general is a very important aspect of games to me, you've heard me gush about Dark Souls enough I'm sure. ;):p


Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Out of this World was a good game. Very Flashback like, not sure if it's as good though.


Metroid Fusion??
You know, I kept debating with myself if I should add the Metroid games as cinematic platformers. In the end, I feel like the games are too much like games, as opposed to an experience like the other games. Also, the controls are too good LOL. That's another thing about these cinematic platformers, the controls are usually crappy. Super Metroid/Metroid Fusion are both really atmospheric and awesome regardless.

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
You know, I kept debating with myself if I should add the Metroid games as cinematic platformers. In the end, I feel like the games are too much like games, as opposed to an experience like the other games. Also, the controls are too good LOL. That's another thing about these cinematic platformers, the controls are usually crappy. Super Metroid/Metroid Fusion are both really atmospheric and awesome regardless.
I find it funny that Good Kontrols is part of the reason you don't konsider it a Cinematic Platformer..

I think the original Metroid Prime probably enters the Cinematic realm if you konsider the lore and scanning of kreatures as part of the experience. It really did feel like exploring an exotic yet dangerous planet to me...


Oddworld is one of my all time favorite series of games. Abe's odyssey and Abe's Exodus are FANTASTIC. Extremely well done and entertaining as hell :)

Shadow of the Colossus is also easily one of the best games ever made IMO. Absolutely amazing experience, so far beyond anything the PS2 had to offer at the time.