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Characters I would like to learn


Um, hi. So these are some characters I would really like to learn but I feel that it's more difficult due to other people not playing them or online people just being... online people. So, here is my list of the people I would appreciate some help learning or learning match-ups as with Noob Saibot(I post this because I like to learn through actual fights: I am going to read everything in the forums like I've done to the Noob forums(EVERYTHING) but it's easier to observe and learn this way):

1. Shang Tsung. I cannot for the life of me learn this character. I can play him in a limited fashion offline in practice mode and I think "This guy is easy." Go online in "real" fights, everything I've taught myself gets thrown out the window and I end up mashing F4 trying to ground skull like everybody does to me, or I'm just sitting on the other end of the screen like an asshole. It doesn't help that a year of MK almost non-stop has done a huge number to my controller but I think I can manage until I'm able to purchase a new one.

2. Skarlet. I used to be sort of decent with her when nobody knew a thing about her, but after dropping her and picking her back up, the entire game plan with her has changed. Some help learning to do fast dagger cancels and such would be lovely. :)

3. Kabal. I hate this guy so much. Even if he's always a good challenge, I HATE him. But, I can't hate him for execution, I main Noob. When I play as Kabal, I'm not very execution-heavy and you'll rarely see me NDC 80 times in three seconds or even do more than one iAGB(because I can't). I'm sort of stuck playing the easier execution style of Noob and I think this hurts my game pretty badly. Would rather not end up with carpal tunnel though.

4. Sektor. I know this character and I'd consider myself actually decent with him. But, I am NOWHERE near as good as I can be. The best Sektor I know would probably be BildSlash or Zombie, and Bild has been a lot of help but I don't get the opportunity to fight him often. Despite my 3 mains being classified as zoners(Maybe Reptile isn't but I play him like one lol), I want Sektor to be my rush-down character, or at least my hybrid. Help with learning how to fully use what mix-ups and pressure he has would be fantastic.

5. Ermac. Another character I'm very familiar with but I don't know anybody to compare myself to. I play very defensively with him, but I end up going full-screen when I doubt this is a good idea. This is also an odd match-up for me as Noob, so if anybody would teach me him and the Ermac/Noob match-up, it'd be great. :)

Well, those are currently my top 5, I have a few others(Kratos, Sindel, CSZ...) but right now they take priority. Like I said, all help is appreciated. My PSN is Evil_PandasXD; Clan ID KILLA_Frosting. I probably won't be able to play any time soon due to school and a ruined controller, so just advice is appreciated. Please send me a message over PSN if you're willing or able to help and I'll notify you when I am able to play. :) Thank you!


Well I play with both Shang Tsung and Sektor so I would be able to make recommendations for those two.

Shang Tsung: if you want to be effective with Shang and use him for many (or maybe all) MU's....you need to know the basics of EVERY single member of the cast. Soul steal is too important a move in his repertoire to abandon. He has solid zoning, very good pokes and decent rushdown with the aid of ground skulls. Not very easy to play with but very fun and rewarding.

Sektor: I've written a guide on him in these forums so check that out if you want to know everything Sektor. Sektor has very good footsies, great damage and nice set-ups with the use of up missiles. I play a zoning/defensive footsie type Sektor and that's how I feel he is best utilised.


I saw you mentioned Sindel...check out Mr. Mileena's Sindel video guide.

The Shang Tsung community is working on a video guide right now, created by Khaotic Shang, so this is perfect timing for that, part 1 is up already.
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Shang Tsung and Sektor are already covered by others, I don't think I can assist you much with Cyber Sub-Zero, and I do not know anyone else that you need help with. Except for Kratos, I can help you with him!
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