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Character Variations.


That Welsh Guy
now to begin, this is how I see it.
This adds ALOT of diversity to one character, now it doesn't matter how other people play that character so much if they're using different variations allowing you to play them so differently, let me just list some stuff.

Mirror matches may not be so boring.
We can spend so much more time on our mains without getting bored.
You can now replay your main in a tournament with a different style and completely wipe the floor with your opponent because your new fighting variation had something in there he/she couldn't handle?

Having to not only know your opponents character but their variations (makes for alot more work however i'm sure alot of you will find the challenge a positive)
It may flop and turn out that it doesn't make a difference really.
One Variation for most characters may just be plain broke and no one will use the others.
Tremor is never coming back.

Post your thoughts.


i am ok for imbalance variations but not with a really hard work to counter them all because 1 variation just give 2or3 specials so it's not so hard to learn


That Welsh Guy
i am ok for imbalance variations but not with a really hard work to counter them all because 1 variation just give 2or3 specials so it's not so hard to learn
I mean we have no idea how it will effect the game and characters till we get our hands on it and grind it out for some months, but I can see it either becoming one variation is the best, or all variations are viable and therefore you must learn it all.

But like you said it's only a few special moves which we could pick up on easy but it's just about when people come out with some filthy tech specific to that variation we have to start learning it way more in depth.


The one guy hoping for Kai
Tremor is never coming back.

Post your thoughts.
As long as Sub has at LEAST one version of himself that doesnt suck I'm set. Of course, if Shang Tsung is in I hope there is a version WITHOUT Soul Steal( I hate that move).

EDIT: I'm surprised people arent talking about this more. I mean the implications could be HUGE!


That Welsh Guy
As long as Sub has at LEAST one version of himself that doesnt suck I'm set. Of course, if Shang Tsung is in I hope there is a version WITHOUT Soul Steal( I hate that move).

EDIT: I'm surprised people arent talking about this more. I mean the implications could be HUGE!
You don't like soul steal? why not!? that move was broke, take their character with a huge damage buff, man that made fighting characters with large damage scaling fun to play against.

Yes me too! I was surprised to see no one made of thread specifically on it, people only care about getting their mains back or old characters, TYM is going to be salty Ed has already said a bunch of new characters, I interrupt that as, alot of the cast and that i am ready for, a chance for some new characters to shine! (Perhaps Cassie Cage isn't what we're looking for...) but yes my point stands!
Talk about the game and not your roster folks while you're worrying if Kabal is going to come back i'm thinking how can I body you with those shown?


Really likes to throw things at you.
The biggest thing about character variations is counter picking or lack there of. This might mean that maining ONE character is viable for tournaments.

Also will we be able to switch variations on win im a tournament? Hmmmmmmmmmmm


Regina George of discord
It adds way more depht to the game... Mirrors won't be boring... It will be harder to master characters which is good since it won't be an easy game i guess... Match ups may won't be super one sided, since a varation of a character may lose and other may win or go even with other character.. It will be interesting


That Welsh Guy
The biggest thing about character variations is counter picking or lack there of. This might mean that maining ONE character is viable for tournaments.

Also will we be able to switch variations on win im a tournament? Hmmmmmmmmmmm
Well the community would have to hash that out, I can see them saying no but it could come down to it and we'd all agree it's okay.


That Welsh Guy
Hypothetically speaking, if there's different variations of characters and shit, could Sub actually be a bad MU for himself?
Fuck I didn't even think of this! XD
yes what is one variation counters another!?!?!? Mortal Kombat inception.


The one guy hoping for Kai
You don't like soul steal? why not!? that move was broke, take their character with a huge damage buff, man that made fighting characters with large damage scaling fun to play against.

Yes me too! I was surprised to see no one made of thread specifically on it, people only care about getting their mains back or old characters, TYM is going to be salty Ed has already said a bunch of new characters, I interrupt that as, alot of the cast and that i am ready for, a chance for some new characters to shine! (Perhaps Cassie Cage isn't what we're looking for...) but yes my point stands!
Talk about the game and not your roster folks while you're worrying if Kabal is going to come back i'm thinking how can I body you with those shown?
No I dont like turning into other characters since I'll suck at everyone except my chosen main.


That Welsh Guy
No I dont like turning into other characters since I'll suck at everyone except my chosen main.
haaha I guess so, By the time i picked shang up i could play almost everyone to an okay level or a high level anyway, but coming back to the game I can't do either :'(


bye felicia
If this works out competitively like it has in every other game that has ever tried it, players will very quickly discover the optimal build and run with that. Specialists may find a way to make another work, and some may turn up for very specific counter picks but I don't think anyone has ever pulled off a "mode select" that didn't have some far and away superior choice.