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CEO Road to Evo 2013 Mortal Kombat Recap and Highlight Video

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
From the start of the year, Mr. Wizard laid down the steps players would need to take to venture throughout the winding pathway called the Road to EVO. With each destination that has been reached, fighting game communities have erupted with outcries of immense thrill from witnessing the unexpected, watching as crowd heroes fell to villains and vice-versa, as players surpassed their boundaries to prepare for the climactic clash awaiting them at the end of this week in Las Vegas.

This video contains a brief recollection of what occurred for the Mortal Kombat 9 players at CEO 2013. The game's supporters were determined to set the stage for the supposedly final send-off of Mortal Kombat 9 at EVO, which would follow two weeks after the event. If you watched the FunkyP stream and would like to relive your favorite moments from the program, this is your chance!

Consider this a taste of what is to come as we turn the book to the final chapter...

GGA 16 Bit
GGA Dizzy
Big D
AK Trepound380

Article edited by GamerBlake90


Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
why was i tagged when i played like ass :(
Because u got 5th and I love that a year ago u said you would be a force in 2013 and you said you will go out on top

Well IMO you did, you placed 5th at the last MK9 major and you achieved one of your major goals

You're tagged because I'm proud of u


Blue Blurs for Life!
Oh my GOD, the ending of that video where I fix my hair - curse the maker of this video for including that!

Now I'm really glad I got my haircut, LMAO. :)