Pig Of The Hut
Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
AE 255
MVC 243
INJ 172
SFxT 76
KOF 40
DK 90
P4A 51
TTT2 57
SCV 35
MK 28
Sgirls 34
Mk lowest registered for game losing to SCV, ttt2, sgirls DK and p4a
Injustice 3rd highest
MVC 243
INJ 172
SFxT 76
KOF 40
DK 90
P4A 51
TTT2 57
SCV 35
MK 28
Sgirls 34
Mk lowest registered for game losing to SCV, ttt2, sgirls DK and p4a
Injustice 3rd highest