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CEO 2013 Injustice System of Choice?

Hello everyone,

This weekend I'm trying to get a true feel of what the preferred system for Injustice is that best benefits my local community and the state of Florida.

Originally I've always listed Injustice as PS3 before the game even came out mostly because a lot of us correctly assumed a ton of MK pad players would also pick the game, where we were wrong was the overwhelming positive response to the game where even those same Top mk players, no longer play that game as much and are focusing on Injustice.

At this point I feel it's unfair to switch from PS3 to XBOX 360 at CEO which is 5 weeks away, however after personally playing in quite a few tournaments myself, there is no denying that the PS3 version has various slowdown issues during gameplay and I'm not alone in noticing that.

General Rule of Thumb, it is unfair to players when you switch console systems after people have started to pay/register for your event. However first and foremost I have asked everyone that has already signed up for CEO via Email and quite frankly, out of 45 Pre regs, so far 17 have responded, switch to XBOX and 2 have suggested Remaining on PS3.

With that said, I will make the final decision this Monday after UFGT is over on what system to host on. I want to do what's best for the best competition possible, even if I did buy 4 copies of Injustice during that Toys R Us sale for PS3 lol. I'm sure I can give those away at CEO and pick up XBOX copies in time.

Just wanted your input, do you plan to come to CEO and haven't signed up yet, and which system do you prefer?

Alex Jebailey