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Capcom is up for a buy out!!!


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
No its not a joke, its not a shot at the company!

It looks like Capcom is truly facing dark times, it has recently come out that they have abandoned there stock take over defense plan from 2008 and is now basically up for sale more or less. If a company that is capable of purchasing 50% or more of their stock, they will essentially own the company.

Lets face it many of us had to have seen this one coming one day, with all the negative things the company has done, from really bad DLC practices, destroying their franchises to make them more like CoD, to completely giving up on one franchise many of their fans have been begging to have a new game for that they had canceled at least 4 or more titles in development in the past. Finally to even just constant re-releases of particular FGs that many fans have complained about for years. I suppose its finally coming down to the wire for them.

Though some you here will praise this or call BS, or just plain not care, it is honestly a sad day. Capcom pretty much invented the competitive FGC , with SF alone paving the way for so many of the great FGs we have today, including a game series very near and dear to us here.

What does it all mean though? Well likely a 3rd party company will buy them out and take over their IPs and they will continue to develop with them or kill them off altogether. So, essentially say one of the big three (MS, Sony, Nintendo), will be able to purchase them and gain damn near full exclusivity rights to all their IPs or the company could even say they are done and file bankruptcy and auction off their IPs to the highest bidder, sort of what THQ did back when they shutdown.

If anyone ahs any thoughts feel free to share them and discuss, but please folks lets keep it clean, this is a company that did shape the world gaming as a whole for many generations!

-EIDT- I added an additional article by Game Informaer that explains a little more in detail what this could entail for the company!!!

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Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
If Nintendo snagged Megaman from Capcom I'd be super okay with that.

Sony could have the RE series and hopefully bring it back to where it once was.


TYM White Knight
Nintendo should buy Capcom...it would be a PERFECT fit.

Megaman exclusive to Wii U? System seller.

Street Fighter exclusive to Wii U? System seller.

Even if it wasn't exclusive to wii u (Street Fighter) Nintendo would make a ton of money off of it.

Resident Evil for the horrer genre...

Video pretty much sums it up. Writing has been on the wall for a while now....and they kind of deserve it for a lot of their business practices, and like the video says, I don't think anyone out there really knows what will happen if a buyout happens.

I am more cynical about the effect its going to have on the FGC though. Capcom has more ties to the competitive scene than pretty much any other company and if the IP is sold and/or another company takes over it might not last....depending on the company of course.


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
Video pretty much sums it up. Writing has been on the wall for a while now....and they kind of deserve it for a lot of their business practices, and like the video says, I don't think anyone out there really knows what will happen if a buyout happens.

I am more cynical about the effect its going to have on the FGC though. Capcom has more ties to the competitive scene than pretty much any other company and if the IP is sold and/or another company takes over it might not last....depending on the company of course.
exactly ... and Nintendo are assholes regarding streaming videos and FGC , so, if Nintendo somehow can buy Capcom, everyone who support SF as competitive game can say goodbye sayonara to tourneys ..... can you imagine a crap WiiU being a main hardware platform for SF in Evo ? damn, that could be a vision of hell !! :confused: :eek:


We'll burn you all—that is your fate!
I think Nintendo is going to buy capcom. Considering that games like Monster Hunter, Megaman, Etc. So i figure nintendo is going to buy it out. It would be very smart.


Then the pokemon MMORPG would never ever happen :(
Pokemon fg/resident evil-esque 3ps? DK spreads rare disease with monkey dna and starts zombie apocalypse that only Mario and his hammer can stamp out? Super mega ultra turbo yoshi's story arcade edition? Metroid, props hunter? Sign me up.

That being said, I'm just going to leave this here.


Dojo Trainee
Sad day, indeed. Hopefully, a buy out helps bring them back to their former glory (new blood, new observations, new practices, etc.)--sometimes a major shake up is the best thing that can happen for a once very profitable company that has lost their way.