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Can we get a UMK3 tourney in Indiana?

I am very very... umm... poor and do not have the money to attend the tourneys that are quite a distance away. Wondering in the near future we could get a UMK3 tourney in Indiana... Possibly this Winter since the Super Bowl is in Indiana this year =). I would love to go to one meets you guys and play some UMK3... PS There is a huge ass hotel like 3 minutes from my house right off the interstate we could use :p
LOL try southwest to get your tix for cheap, you gotta buy at least two weeks ahead to get the best deals. UMK3 in Indiana could happen, if you make it happen. Go on craigslist, advertise out it in your local newpaper, get shit started find people and set up the venue. Just throw like a party and get people playing, or have like a smokeout, people will play. People will play if you have parties and smoke or drink ,even if they can't play, I've never seen it not happen. LOL I've seen people circleup and play super mario kart for snes, my GF only had a snes, we all played.