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Question Can Someone Help Me With Pressure/Mix-ups?

Hi, I have just recently started using Doomsday and was wondering if anyone could show or tell me the mix ups I should be doing and how to apply his pressure. If you would like to show me in training that would be awesome and my Gamertag is Fill My Shadow. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. :D


gotta stay sharp!
Well haha, I like f2,3, earth shake. Or f2, es. 2,2 is pretty good. Like 2,2 es or 2,2, u1+3. To toss them back into the corner. There 3,3 which is plus and also Mb shoulder. So you do something like jd3, 33, d1 es. Or instead of d1 go for shoulder if you think they will backdash.


End Of Humanity
d1 es , d1 throw , d1 sweep , d1 crossover body splash :)

after body splash he has a 50/50 : 22 1+3 or 22 ES


Doomsday Corner Tech

Down 1 Earth Shake, Buffer Dash to reverse Wake up

1 2 3, 1 2 xx Super Nova ~ 2 2 1+3 Doomsday lands facing the corner but the following string of attacks cross up

In General

Grab ( why is this underestimated?)

3 3, Venom (MB optional also leads to), Down 1 Earthshake

for back dashers just do another venom after the MB'ed Venom

3 xx Trait or 2 2 xx Trait

2 2 1+3 or 2 2 ES 50/50

MB Upward Venom on Wakeup second hit crosses up if they are close

I know this is old but this still applies to any DD player reading however
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After blocked MB Venom u have options either D1 Earthshaker or dash forward to punish backdash with 123 Venom or 12 hit confirm into MB Earthshaker. If they jump back then dash forward air grab.

I like to mix up Earthshaker in my strings. Mostly with the 2,2 string because u have so many options off of it:
Naked ES
2 xx ES
2,2 xx ES
2,2, 1+3

and it's easy to hit confirm off of a body splash. and yea like others said mix in ES, d1 xx ES, sweep.