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Calling on all experts and pros...Scorpion/Smoke/Baraka


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Hi all,

Gamers consider me alright on MK and have potential, but I like to think I'm still amateur.

My first main fighter on MK was and always has been Scorpion. I've mastered most of his combos but still having issues where combos half way are being missed. That's because I either hit buttons too soon or too late most of the time.

I play on PS3 and use a regular PS controller, I tried the arcade stick controller but that doesnt work for me at all.

I need help people! I need to know how to time my hits to get my combos right. My main issue with scorpion is the punch+punch+teleport when opponent is in mid-air, the teleport doesn't come through and its a nerve wrecking! I need advice and guidance on this.

How do you time hits? what are the timings/secs/millisecs which enables the player to move from one move to the other without hitting buttons too soon or too late.

I've been practicing with three fighters so far and they are scorpion, smoke and baraka. I need tips on those three.

I'm also having a big challenge/bet with a friend and he uses Raiden/Subzero/Kratos. Any advice on which players/how to defeat his players? perhaps weakness points for these players?

Really appreciate ur help.



Scrublord McGee
First, in regards to timing for combos, try getting the visual cues down, then work your way up to only muscle memory. For example, for Scorpion's Void Setup, when you go for the F4,3xxSpear at the end, make sure the F4 barely touches the hitbox of the opponent. It'll take a while to get used to, but it'll help.

Second, check out the respective character forums for info on each character. I can somewhat help you with Scorpion, but I believe more help would be available if you read Slips and PU's guide.

Third, it sounds like you're being overly aggressive, which is good if you're doing it smart against these characters. Otherwise, bad idea. For Raiden, watch out for his teleport: his strings can be cancelled into it, making it very hard to punish. Man-Sub for me is a bit of joke unless the person playing them is exceptionally better than me: just zone him out if he's camping behind ice clones, or counter his rushdown with your own if he's playing aggro. Kratos is also zonable to an extent though you'll have to watch out for his Golden Fleece, jump over it, and punish. Otherwise, good pressure :D


Any combo listed in the Moves List or a combo linking to a Special Move can just be dialed in. In some areas of a combo, you'll have to wait until the animation is over until you can press anything.

1, 1, Spear, NJP, dash, B2, jk, Teleport, jk, Air Throw

The 1, 1, Spear can be dialed in. Wait until the opponent is dragged towards you then do a NJP. Wait until Scorpion lands, then dash forward and use B2. Wait until Scorpion puts his swords back then do jk Teleport (forward jump+3, D, B). Once Scorpion lands again, do jk Air Throw. You should be able to get used to the timing after a while.

Also, don't try to input too fast. Think about what you are pressing and the combo should come out. Spear is an exception since it has a B, B input and some people press it too slow.