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Calling all Freddy players on XBL


You guys are so rare it's ridiculous. We have one at GGA but he rarely comes out, so if you play freddy, please hit me up on XBL. (vagrant42791)

You're charactar has advantage vs both of my mains (Scorp, Sonya) but I haven't been able to run the MU long enough to try out different approaches. Get at me and lets get some games in. Bring a headset if you can so if I have a question on frame adv you can answer it.

Thanks guys. hope to see you online this eve


vagrant going in on getting some MU experience! Good stuff man! Freddy isnt very popular online its a bummer cause he can really do some disgusting stuff if you arent familiar with him.


Xbl: Johnny2Die
Feel free to add me, I've got a week old Freddy that I'm trying to raise (but my main is skarlet). My gamer tag is xJohnny2Dx


Xbl: Johnny2Die
lol skarlets are just as rare, I need Mu exp in both.
Good skarlets are probably more rare than freddy... not saying im good but im a'ight. Ill be happy to run sets with you with both characters.

Sent from M-Class Star Freighter USCSS Nostromo


Teleport tickle fail
Good skarlets? I'd say any skarlets...I haven't run into a single skarlet online that wasn't by way of an accidental random select.


From the page of Cage!
You guys are so rare it's ridiculous. We have one at GGA but he rarely comes out, so if you play freddy, please hit me up on XBL. (vagrant42791)

You're charactar has advantage vs both of my mains (Scorp, Sonya) but I haven't been able to run the MU long enough to try out different approaches. Get at me and lets get some games in. Bring a headset if you can so if I have a question on frame adv you can answer it.

Thanks guys. hope to see you online this eve
I play freddy everytime I play mk. he is just my main. but Im not plaining on playing that game soon for I am into injustice to much :joker: