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BvS Batman Mech suit premiere skin request! (poll)

Do you want the Batman BvS mech suit skin/gear in Injustice 2?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 24 66.7%
  • No.

    Votes: 12 33.3%

  • Total voters


"I still got it...but not much of it"
Batman's mech suit from BvS: Dawn of Justice is by far one of the coolest outfits i've seen, and since the mobile version showed that there is a BvS skin for Superman i kinda got my hopes up that we might see this in the game. The bulky Warhammer-esque design coupled with the large flowing cape and white glowing eyes just looks really badass imo.
It would also be great if he had the voice modulator from the movie while wearing the mech suit.

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Lex Luthor II

Lord of Lightning
Seems like Batmans voice from Justice League movie coming out isnt robo-voice anymore, I'll miss it and hope they include it in IGAU2 for this skin.

Also, give us movie WoWo skin pls.


Est In Harvey 1989
Honestly I'm expecting them to have skins for every Justice Leaugue member, and the accompanying villains from the movies.
I don't really know if I want skins that remind me of that awful movie but hey why not
Did you ever watch the Director's Cut? The full 3 hour version is the only version I ever watched and I thought it was pretty good. I hear people were confused by the Theatrical Version, which I could totally understand if they cut 30 minutes out of a 3 hour Director's Cut to make the 2.5 hour Theatrical Version. Cut 30 minutes out of any movie, it is probably going to hurt. We can discuss the wisdom of the new Hollywood scheme of using incomplete Theatrical Versions as a way of promoting the superior and complete Director's Cuts of their movies for purchase, but be that as it may. . . .

Jeremy KO

*insert kotal kahn gibberish here*
Did you ever watch the Director's Cut? The full 3 hour version is the only version I ever watched and I thought it was pretty good. I hear people were confused by the Theatrical Version, which I could totally understand if they cut 30 minutes out of a 3 hour Director's Cut to make the 2.5 hour Theatrical Version. Cut 30 minutes out of any movie, it is probably going to hurt. We can discuss the wisdom of the new Hollywood scheme of using incomplete Theatrical Versions as a way of promoting the superior and complete Director's Cuts of their movies for purchase, but be that as it may. . . .
Yes I did. I hated the director's cut even more. Adding 30 minutes to an already bloated as fuck mess of a movie did not help it in any way, when the problems of the film are in its very core storytelling and characters.

Evil Canadian

Premium Supporter
Batman might as well put a yellow lantern symbol on that suit because its powered by fear, fear of Superman, his better in every way.


It had it's flaws but it also had a lot of epic moments. It's a really fun movie imo.
I agree with you. The whole "Martha" scene was pretty lame and Doomsday was a little over the top but overall I really enjoyed it. The special affects for Superman were incredible, I think Affleck is a solid Bruce Wayne and Batman combo. In previous Bat movies there's either a solid Bruce Wayne or a solid Batman not both and Affleck pulled it off IMO.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
I like Superman but he was written so terribly in that movie. I still think one of the biggest problems with that movie was the marketing. It was marketed as a team up movie, but really it was a Batman movie with Superman in it. If it was advertised as that, I think it would have been more acceptable. I hope the movies figure their shit out with Superman, there's no reason to make him brooding. Marvel did is doing a great job with Captain America, that's how Superman should be more like.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Affleck was awesome as Batman/Bruce Wayne. Other than the killing(which made sense for this Batman and what has happened to him), this is the best comic-movie adaptation of Batman imo. Mainly by that I mean his capabilities, he is actually able to keep up with higher level heroes and be relevant alongside the Justice League.

I love the Nolan movies and all, but that Batman got his ass beat by Joker and 2 dogs, give me a break... the BvS Batman would absolutely destroy the Nolan Batman or Bane. All the Batman elements of the movie were good too, Jeremy Irons as Alfred was a great choice as well.


"I still got it...but not much of it"
I agree with you. The whole "Martha" scene was pretty lame and Doomsday was a little over the top but overall I really enjoyed it. The special affects for Superman were incredible, I think Affleck is a solid Bruce Wayne and Batman combo. In previous Bat movies there's either a solid Bruce Wayne or a solid Batman not both and Affleck pulled it off IMO.
Yeah Affleck was definitely the best pick for it, Bale is an amazing actor but i don't think he fits for either Bruce or Batman.

Azarashi Elder

Did you ever watch the Director's Cut? The full 3 hour version is the only version I ever watched and I thought it was pretty good.
Yup. Director's cut here as well, and I thought it was good for what it was. Far from perfect, but enjoyable.

Yeah Affleck was definitely the best pick for it, Bale is an amazing actor but i don't think he fits for either Bruce or Batman.
IMHO he did okay. It's kind of hard to put an actor into that role because Batman is hella iconic and we all have this ideal Batman in our heads and it's hard for a mere mortal to fill those shoes. That said, I enjoyed the Nolan films very much, and I can only hope that the official DCEU Batman films are just as good or better.

Affleck was awesome as Batman/Bruce Wayne. Other than the killing(which made sense for this Batman and what has happened to him),
I want to say that they based the DCEU Batman on the Frank Miller "Dark Knight Returns" Batman, but I don't know if that's accurate. In any case, it took some getting used to, but I like it overall. Ben Affleck did a fine job, and he's a hell of a better Batman than Matt Murdock, I can tell you that.


Lexcorp Proprietary Technologies
Don't worry, BvS, Suicide Squad, Justice League, Aquaman, and every other possible movie tie-in costume will definitely be on the way. If there is one thing DC knows, it's MERCHANDISING