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Buying a stick and need some help/advice!


Mutant Rebel
I really want to try out a stick for when street fighter 5 drops. Price isn't really a factor, other than the fact that I don't need anything insanely expensive yet because I don't even have a preference for any certain features yet.

The only real things I know are that I probably want more "clicky" buttons as opposed to a soft touch. I want that real feedback from the buttons so I can get a solid muscle memory thing going like playing a guitar.

What I'm asking for here is basically ANY knowledge regarding sticks that is pertinent when it comes to making a purchase, this isn't exactly something I can go ask somebody at best buy. So I don't even know what to look for.

I want to know about (but not limited to):

Button layouts and what might be best for me (I have large hands I'm about 6'5, don't know if this makes a difference
Size and weight factors (I imagine you want it heavy. Pretty sure I want it that way)
Joystick style, the ball on top vs dildo-y looken knob type
Could somebody explain what converters are, where to buy them, and how they work, I currently have a ps4, but will potentially eventually use this stick for an xbox one, and maybe even pc.
Websites that I can order from, Sticks, parts, and converters.
Aesthetics matter, I definitely want to love the way it looks because it will make me want to use it more.

So obviously I'm totally new when it comes to these things. I've been steadily getting more and more into fighting games over the past 5-6 years and really want to try this out! I know it's asking a lot, and I know most MKX players play with a pad, but these are the boards I go to and I'm sure a lot of you have sticks. So share your expertise with me and give me lots of resources (links) to go and purchase a stick! When I get it, I'll be sure to post pics and let everybody know about it. Thanks a lot!

Again. the more info the better, I literally know nothing and want to be happy with the first stick I buy since it's quite an investment!

C88 Zombieekiler

Up and coming sub zero
Converters are usbs that you plug a wired controller or a stick from a different console into and it will register it on said console they usually cost $50 and up but are banned at some tourneys. And for the top of the stick i hear the 'dildo' one is shit so go for a ball


Mutant Rebel
I would probably be comfortable in the 200-300 dollar range. That is on the high end of what I'm willing to spend right now just because of the risk of not liking it.

*side note* If the stick could be swappable for ball, or bat type (I just learned it was called bat type) that would be great, because I'm not sure which one I like yet.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
I personally never liked sticks. Especially for MK...it was awful. Run cancels, dashing, etc...that's just shit on your non-dominant hand and takes forever to fine tune your muscle memory. Shit hurts your wrist. You're not just learning with your fingers here -- think of it more as learning to drive a manual. Not that I'm trying to discourage you but it takes A LOT of time and if you're playing on a competitive level you're going to get pretty irritated that you're playing 1,000x worse and dropping even the most basic of stuff that you can do blindfolded on a pad. I gave up trying to do FADCs or even RELIABLE qcfx2 motions on the stick.

I play everything either on pad or keyboard (this is my preference) You can make a hitbox pretty damn easily if you've got the tools in your garage. Just buttons, wires, PCP board, and some square box. As simple as it's going to get.

Just get a crappy stick and see if you like it. I've played on a TE and I've played on a shitty stick. In truth, the TE is higher quality but it's the same damn thing. Lots of good players in SF use shitty sticks and win.
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C88 Zombieekiler

Up and coming sub zero
Id say buy something buy madcatz as most of the community holds them as the best stick makers out there if you want to get used to stick there is a ps4 stick an amazon for like £80 i think that would be your best bet.


Mutant Rebel
I personally never liked sticks. Especially for MK...it was awful. Run cancels, dashing, etc...that's just shit on your non-dominant hand and takes forever to fine tune your muscle memory. Shit hurts your wrist. You're not just learning with your fingers here -- think of it more as learning to drive a manual. Not that I'm trying to discourage you but it takes A LOT of time and if you're playing on a competitive level you're going to get pretty irritated that you're playing 1,000x worse and dropping even the most basic of stuff that you can do blindfolded on a pad. I gave up trying to do FADCs or even RELIABLE qcfx2 motions on the stick.

I play everything either on pad or keyboard (this is my preference) You can make a hitbox pretty damn easily if you've got the tools in your garage. Just buttons, wires, PCP board, and some square box. As simple as it's going to get.

Just get a crappy stick and see if you like it. I've played on a TE and I've played on a shitty stick. In truth, the TE is higher quality but it's the same damn thing. Lots of good players in SF use shitty sticks and win.
Well I said in my post it isn't for MKX. I have no desire to play MKX with a stick. It's for when SFV drops. Also, I want information on sticks, I don't really care that you prefer a pad and keyboard, why would I spend money on a cheap stick, to find out I like it and then have to go spend more money? I'm already committed to learning how to use one, I just want to make an informed decision when I make my purchase.


Maybe I'll have something to say ... Probably not
for clicky buttons check out paradisearcadeshop.com they have some that use cherry microswitches (the same mechanical ones used in keyboards) these do cost more than regular buttons though

having large hands you should be ok with standard stuff I think (30mm buttons)

most people prefer balltops but changing those to a battop if you want to try it isnt very costly
I'd be more concerned about getting a square, octagon or circle restricter plate really (i'd recommend octagon but most sticks come with square)

where you can buy them check, madcatz, hori, eightarc, qanba, I'm sure I am forgetting some. (Razer also has an Xbox one stick, but they also made the stick that broke at evo 2015 grand finals so......)
You can check the shoryuken.com BST forums for stick builders if you want a custom one made for you

converters basically make one systems controller work on another system. If you just want the stick for new games I wouldn't worry about one because everything but KI at the moment is being run on PS4

The largest stick I can think of is the Hori Fighting Edge, however this is both expensive and made for the previous generation of consoles so youd need to get a converter or have it modded.

C88 Zombieekiler

Up and coming sub zero
Well I said in my post it isn't for MKX. I have no desire to play MKX with a stick. It's for when SFV drops. Also, I want information on sticks, I don't really care that you prefer a pad and keyboard, why would I spend money on a cheap stick, to find out I like it and then have to go spend more money? I'm already committed to learning how to use one, I just want to make an informed decision when I make my purchase.
Oh 100% balltop then


i always played sf on stick and mk on pad, until recently i tried out mk on stick
it feels a bit awkward at first and it needs some time getting used to, but i'm really liking it
i'm using the hori rap v4 which works fluently on ps3/ps4 and pc
the buttons feel great and the hayabusa joystick unit (ball top), feels awesome as well
my layout is as follows
fp bp blk throw
fk bk stance interact
gl with finding a stick
madcatz sticks aren't too shabby either :)


I gave up trying to do FADCs or even RELIABLE qcfx2 motions on the stick.
That is the complete opposite of how I feel about those inputs.

I can do srk fadc ultra 100 out of 100 times on a stick.

I'd be lucky to land it 5 out of 100 times on a pad.

I play MKX on pad so it's not like I just prefer stick in general. But those particular inputs you mentioned are a million times easier on stick for me.
Reactions: jmt


Mutant Rebel
for clicky buttons check out paradisearcadeshop.com they have some that use cherry microswitches (the same mechanical ones used in keyboards) these do cost more than regular buttons though

having large hands you should be ok with standard stuff I think (30mm buttons)

most people prefer balltops but changing those to a battop if you want to try it isnt very costly
I'd be more concerned about getting a square, octagon or circle restricter plate really (i'd recommend octagon but most sticks come with square)

where you can buy them check, madcatz, hori, eightarc, qanba, I'm sure I am forgetting some. (Razer also has an Xbox one stick, but they also made the stick that broke at evo 2015 grand finals so......)
You can check the shoryuken.com BST forums for stick builders if you want a custom one made for you

converters basically make one systems controller work on another system. If you just want the stick for new games I wouldn't worry about one because everything but KI at the moment is being run on PS4

The largest stick I can think of is the Hori Fighting Edge, however this is both expensive and made for the previous generation of consoles so youd need to get a converter or have it modded.
Could you elaborate on the restrictor plate for me? I can guess at what it is, but if you could describe it more in depth that would help. Also, when I purchase a stick, will that information be in the product description!?


Maybe I'll have something to say ... Probably not

That clear plastic part is a square restrictor plate. Basically they control how many stops your stick can make in the full circle motion. The square always felt very clunky to me which is why I prefer the octagon, it feels smoother but it also lets you know where you are.

Edit: Also the battop vs balltop thing is complete preference remember Infiltration uses battop (or he used to I remember I can't remember how his current stick is setup)

2nd edit: Pretty much every stick comes with a square plate but they are inexpensive and easy to swap out (except for on the Hori hyabusa which is used in some of their sticks)
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Ex Phase
You're gonna need to mod if you want to be able to use it on ps4/xbone. PS4 sticks are compatible with PC and as of now there are only 2 that are from Madcatz and Hori (both reputable). I too bought a stick to try and learn it by the time SFV comes out and I went with Hori Rap5 Silent. It uses Kuro buttons and Hayabusa stick while the Madcatz te2 uses all sanwa (alot of people prefer sanwa if you read forums).

C88 Zombieekiler

Up and coming sub zero
You guys forget that theres allternate controls on mortal kombat so you can play an easy game and get your stick play levelled up
As I'm not a huge SF guy, I may not be much help here tech wise.

Layout wise (you mentioned u have big hands) I can help. I have big hands as well. So when I model my Razer Atrox stick I made sure to swap wires to set the buttons where I wanted them on my layout (instead of switching buttons in game options) so...


The purple buttons are where my index (1), ring (2), thumb (3), pinky (4), and middle finger RT/block sit. This way my hand isn't cramped using the default way they laid this stick out. And each finger has its own button. I'm never moving my right hand, only fingers do the work.

Hope this helps :)