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What does the term "bufferable" mean in the Shoryuken strategy guide for MK9?

I did a search and read 4 different explanations.

1) The move can be cancelled (meaning the last frames of the animation) into another move?
2) The move can be done by inputting the commands during a block?
3) The move can be done by inputting the commands while your character is still completing another move?
4) The move can be done by inputting the joystick movements after the attack button?


All these explanations make sense I guess but I'm not sure since they are using terminology for Capcom games. Give me an example of a bufferable move. Perhaps then I can explain it...


This one's for you
I always assumed it just means inputting ("buffering") a special into a combo, i.e. 214~slide with Sub Zero. So explanation #3 makes the most sense.


EX Ovi should launch
#3 makes most sense, you buffer the input for one move inside another, for a very easy example you can jump in the air, buffer the input for a move while soaring through the skies, and as you hit the ground the move will come out.


This one's for you
Yeah Cyrax is a perfect example. For some of his combos, you have to buffer the direction inputs of his bombs so that you don't accidentally dash forward/backward afterward.
Okay guys this is buffering
Its literaly all those things on that list! no lie i shit you not
so say im like say Kano a match and i want to apply a D1 into choke for pressure i would put this as the input:
:d:fp :r:fp as a resault I get a clean D1 choke string; even though Choke's inputs are :d:r:fp I can BUFFER the :d imput with:d:fp because d1 has a :din it

But thats just one example. The second one says bufferable with block.
so say Kenshi's fatality requires some :uinputs. if you dont feel like jumping, you can buffer the fatality inputs in block

for the last example think Guile and go home and be a family man because you are know all experts on buffering!!


This one's for you
....Pretty sure this was just an issue of terminology. It doesn't mean that SF players are smarter than MK players. Lmao. But you guys don't have to be at each others throats about it.