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Miss Kanzuki


Visit the BUFFALO FGC YouTube for more info: http://www.youtube.com/user/fgcbuffalo/featured

"We generally play Wednesday nights, & Saturdays, and travel often to tournaments, you can too!

Saturdays are currently at Play N Trade, 2309 Eggert Road at Sheridan Drive, Tonawanda, NY 14150. Ranbats/Tournaments happen often, we always welcome and encourage players who want to learn these games to come out and play, IT'S FREE.

On Wednesday players will be at UB (University of Buffalo) in the Student Union on North Campus, which is also free and open to all FG enthusiasts."

When we acquire the XBOX One, I hope to see the BUFFALO FGC become engaged with KILLER INSTINCT !!

Always a great time, here are a sample of the TTT2 MM$$ !!!
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Miss Kanzuki

I, personally feel that since getting involved with the BUFFALO FGC that the players we have met thus far have welcomed us & taken the time to help us refining our understanding of the fighters we play which will put us on our path towards becoming tournament ready.

From what I've seen they are straight-forward and knowledgeable. No BS.