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Brutality - May 2015 - Results


Special thanks to: Craig, Dennis, Garrad, Scott, Will, and my man Quentin! You all were integral to Brutality - May's success! To anyone else whom I asked to help, thank you : )

Thanks to all the fresh and the regular faces for coming to enjoy the event. With your help, we destroyed our entrant number goal! Our goal was 22 players, up from 18 in April, and we had 32!

And thank you to all the equipment donors. You make these events possible because of your generosity. I was very happy that we apparently had no controller interruption issues on PS4!

MKX Results
1st - MKLEGEND (Tempest-Kung Lao)
2nd - Tylenolz (Master of Souls-Ermac)
3rd - Action Jackson (Dragon's Fire-Liu Kang)
4th - Bad News Brendon (Ermac)
5th - Unlucky Charmz (Kitana)
5th - Ryuseiken (Thundergod-Raiden)
7th - Hornett
7th - Red Cyclone (Kuatan Warrior-Goro / Cybernetic-Kano)
9th - Zubastion (Erron Black)
9th - Nathan S. (Impostor-Shinnok)
9th - Sonic Lionheart (Hollywood-Cassie / Full Auto-Jacqui / Stunt Double-Johnny)
9th - Arkayne (Ravenous-Mileena / Noxious-Reptile)
13th - Kobe W.
13th - Kenshinoyo
13th - Buncha Malarky
13th - Bumpy Face
17th - Smitty
17th - Skylar
17th - Nick da Jedi
17th -Lion's Eye
17th - JoneZ
17th - AmpGamer
17th - Combot
17th - Skcorpion86
25th - Soul Weaver
25th - Jeremiah S.
25th - MPII The Ronin
25th - WyckedOrynge
25th - The Relic
25th - NinjaStewart
25th - Rocket Launcher Guy
25th - Wysocereal

KI Results
1st - Nick da Jedi
2nd - Kenshinoyo
3rd - MPII The Ronin
4th - Angels & Demons
5th - Arkayne
7th - Combot

Due to some hangups at Brutality - May, all subsequent Brutality events will run PS4 only for ‪MKX‬. There was no need to vote, as all players acquiesced easily to the choice of PS4. Thanks everyone for being stand up ‪FGCitizens‬. Just coined myself a new phrase, there! Ha!

The next Brutality will be held on June 27th at Arcade Legacy. Click here to go the event thread here on TYM!

Brutality - May videos can be found at this YouTube playlist on the official PowerUp channel:
If there are any suggestions for improvements to the event, please feel free to share.

Thanks again to all our players for participating and having a great time! Our goal for Brutality - June is even more entertainment and a total of 36 entrants! Let's do this!

PS- Don't forget to join us on Facebook!! https://www.facebook.com/groups/454333527975618/

**Edited/Promoted by TS


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Divekick x 1000
Kung Lao representing! Do you know what variation? (I use Buzz Saw). People are sleeping on him so fucking hard. Need to wake up.

I need to start going to Legacy more I literally live like 5 minutes away hah.


@RelentlessOhio I hope you can make it to Brutality - June on June 27th! Consider yourself personally invited : )

I'm not sure what variation MKLEGEND uses, unfortunately. You'll have to come play him to find out, lol!


Divekick x 1000
@RelentlessOhio I hope you can make it to Brutality - June on June 27th! Consider yourself personally invited : )

I'm not sure what variation MKLEGEND uses, unfortunately. You'll have to come play him to find out, lol!
Sounds great, I've been meaning to go for a while and at least check it out. I hate Cincinnati Mills though lol.


Congratulations to Kenshinoyo for winning the $5 raffle. You may collect cash from me, or get free venue entry at Brutality - June 2015!


@ando1184 Sure. I'll label according to the information I've received from some of the participants on Facebook. Once I am done editing and uploading the footage I will label the Top 3 with their variations.


Updated the OP with the Brutality - May 2015 video playlist. Top 5 Plays of the Day will be coming before the end of the week!