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Breaking patterns


I've started to notice something. I'm becoming way too predictable. After playing with me a few rounds, I'm just too easy to read. Other players learn my attack patterns, love of wake ups and I can't seem to break the habit.

Things like trying to get in after a few sets with me, it becomes too obvious how I'm going to try.

I'm in a rut! It's the same with every character, I get into a pattern and can't seem to mix it up anymore after a few games. They block, punish, repeat. And it gets easier to anticipate what I'm going to do each time.

Please to advise?


This one's for you
I'm in the same boat a lot of times. I tend to do better in short sets than longer ones.
One thing that helps me a ton is just taking a step back for a couple minutes, maybe even take a break for a few days and then come back feeling refreshed and making better reads.
I think you are through the rough part, which is figuring out that you are repeating patterns, and also knowing what they are. With that, try to find the situations where you are being punished for a pattern and come up with a couple different options--try playing without using your normal option once to break the muscle memory of doing that.


EX Ovi should launch
Focus on what your opponent is doing, and what you want them to do, instead of your own patterns you should act according to theirs.

When you start controlling your patterns based on what your opponent is doing, the habits you have will fall away and you will no longer be playing based on habit, you will be playing based on reads and reaction.

When you do something, watch how they react, and think how you can punish them for that reaction next time. If they make a habit of reacting that way, you just won your match!


Stay Free
I've noticed that when I get too predictable incorporating throws can help a lot against an opponent anticipating an attack and blocking. Then the next time around instead of cutting a string short and going for a throw, I finish and get a combo or set up.

Its really just finding what works for you.


What's a Smarrgasm?
You just gotta take time to adjust and analyze your gameplay. Once you can learn to create a couple different game plans then you can alternate between a lot of them to keep your opponent off your patterns and keep your game not stale. A good thing for this is taking your time between rounds and games to calm down and think. People talk about it all the time as a small thing but it can make a lot of difference.


Honestly the best thing you can do is just play the game and force yourself to fix holes, bad habits, etc. You gotta push yourself to have a more complete character. Start using all of the tools your character has and make sure all of it comes naturally. One of the benefits of being a character loyalist is that its a lot easier having a more natural reactions and punishes. Having mulitple characters means you have to put in a lot more work.

A few things I would like to add;
When you are trying new things see what works and what doesn't, even if its baby steps. I got to the level where I'm at now because thats what I did when I played online. I didn't care about losing. The only thing I wanted is to fully understand all my tools. I never say I'm doing it because people would think its just an execuse. Its rare for me to play 100% like I would in tournament online and even casusals offline.

Being predictable can work in your advantage. Getting your opponent used to one thing can make him get thrown off when you do someting new. Its a double mind fuck when you go back to what you were originally doing. Kabal is actually a master at doing this, the way I play him at least.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Watch exactly how they are punishing your wakeup and see what you can do to punish them for it instead. Usually once you are successful at this the opponent will start to respect it and you have formed a new mind game with them. Also, it is just important to get tech-rolling down in general on knockdown so you can get them off you during wakeup.

Good luck!


Online Punching Bag
I find it's always handy to know all your small strings in the menu not just your main damage bnb's, even if some of them aren't that great those rarely used ones can really throw people off when reading you. Also going to cancels into special moves at different times during strings can make you much less predictable too.


I clicked this thread thinking it was going to be about breakers and how often people break. -.-

Pretty much what everyone else already said. Know how to mix things up, sometimes even certain mix-ups can be too obvious (going for a low then an overhead). Get inside your opponent's head and try to figure out what they're thinking or planning to do next. This'll help you make good reads on your opponent. Also take a step back and look at every possible situation that can occur. Look at both character's tools and what you can do to counter your opponent's tools. etc. etc.


You can use stuff like to your advantage. Like if you know they are reading you, you will know what THEY are about to do, so bait and punish.

I know it's an old cliche, but playing better players really helps. When your strategies dont work on clever opponents, you are forced to go super saiyan and start doing crazy stuff.


Remember, representing ermac is illmatic.
niccolo machiavelli, a old french philosopher and prince believed you can use patterns to crush your opponent, this is because every one wants to believe that they can can control the outcome by predicting your next move, but the only way to become predictable is trying to predict in the first place . if you think they will punish your move, that you havent done yet,
you can punish their naive punish attempt.
its not always a bad idea to patternize yourself and then switch the pattern to punish your opponent for trying to counter it.


B*tch Distributor
Huge issue with a lot of people. Some of the best fall into this kind of situation. Personally, when I'm using my mains, I've gotten to a point that no pattern exists. Every knife thrown, hz ball, wake up, or anything else is done in the moment and more of a reaction. Of course, like everyone, i have certain setups, But i tend to use most of them to win a round or a match. Any other time I'm solely playing on reaction. I think once you realize your falling into a pattern you tend to level up, hard. My advice? Take a week off, come back, and be prepared to be on a whole new level :).

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
My advice would be to slow down and really think about your options. There is a surprisingly long time for you to think during a match such as during blockstring and combos. This allows you to really think ahead and plan out your moves one step ahead of what is actually happening in the match. You will no longer feel rushed to make decisions and can make better, less predictable decisions


Galloping Ghost Arcade
I like to try a different characters, especially if a character in particular is giving me problems, I like to use that character.

Or I won't play for a few days and when I come back I'm usually broken of bad habits. Of course, I'm rusty as hell then, but I can "reset" my mind and reinforce good habits and stop bad habits easier because those habits are easier to identify after a break.


You will BOW to me!
STB Goldfish, mix up your game. For example, after a safe string, dash in and throw. If that works,repeat it. After that go for a low-mid mixup. Experiment with the strings you are using and try to create new openings for further attacks and mixups. Dont get trapped inside your own patterns. Create new ones.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
I'm also in the same boat. Sometimes, and lately I've working on this, it's to just do NOTHING. Don't wake up...walk back...and wait. I tend to get into this habit of constantly charging and constantly MOVING. Sometimes it's just good to duck for a bit...wait for them to do something. Of course, some characters ruin this...like Scorpion's hell fire...ugh


You will BOW to me!
I'm also in the same boat. Sometimes, and lately I've working on this, it's to just do NOTHING. Don't wake up...walk back...and wait. I tend to get into this habit of constantly charging and constantly MOVING. Sometimes it's just good to duck for a bit...wait for them to do something. Of course, some characters ruin this...like Scorpion's hell fire...ugh
Better to get hit by one or two hell fires than get hit by a spear or a teleport my friend.


Cold day in hell...
I've started to notice something. I'm becoming way too predictable. After playing with me a few rounds, I'm just too easy to read. Other players learn my attack patterns, love of wake ups and I can't seem to break the habit.

Things like trying to get in after a few sets with me, it becomes too obvious how I'm going to try.

I'm in a rut! It's the same with every character, I get into a pattern and can't seem to mix it up anymore after a few games. They block, punish, repeat. And it gets easier to anticipate what I'm going to do each time.

Please to advise?
Ah the flowchart. That point where you cease to read the opponent, stay focused on your options and act/react accordingly and instead you begin to rely on a pattern that feels comfortable and familiar to you, or simply one that has worked previously. You could call it going on autopilot too, and even if it feels like you're not that is exactly what the mind is doing. It's going along "ok we do this, then this, then..." and before you know it your opponent seems to know what you're going to do before you do.

A couple things you can do would be to actually write down some places and situations where you start to see yourself play that way and observe how you're treating the match mentally. The other thing would be to dig a little deeper into the mindgames, create setups, and make more reads. The point where your opponent is reading a pattern is actually a good thing for you as long as there isn't actually a pattern. Once you feel like an opponent is doing that start to approach from the angle of "They think I'm going to do "x"... what can I do that would catch them off guard or blow up their response?" When your opponent is reading a pattern you seem to have turn it against them and make them start to make reads and take guesses to keep you out and deal with your offense.


Premium Supporter
I've started to notice something. I'm becoming way too predictable. After playing with me a few rounds, I'm just too easy to read. Other players learn my attack patterns, love of wake ups and I can't seem to break the habit.

Things like trying to get in after a few sets with me, it becomes too obvious how I'm going to try.

I'm in a rut! It's the same with every character, I get into a pattern and can't seem to mix it up anymore after a few games. They block, punish, repeat. And it gets easier to anticipate what I'm going to do each time.

Please to advise?
Amazing topic... gonna read through this tonight.


Dead Kings Rise
Sometimes, I like to purposely set patterns to punish. For example, I'll do 122 AH as a blockstring for a few times, once I've conditioned my opponent. Then, I'll do something like 12 throw.

But yeah, regarding the actual question, I still have the problem. My best advice is to see how they punish your pattern, then punish that. I.E- they always poke you with a d1. Block the d1, then punish.