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Breaking Bad (SPOILERS!)

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Seriously? Man, I don't like what I am pretty sure is about to go down.
What's there not to like? I was so hype when Walt called the Nazis, then I was sad when he called them off, then I spent the rest of the show hoping they'd come along anyway. So far, this is best case scenario. Walt was being unusually stupid this episode, so I'm glad all lose ends look like they're being tied up nicely. Time to get the acid tub ready!
What's there not to like? I was so hype when Walt called the Nazis, then I was sad when he called them off, then I spent the rest of the show hoping they'd come along anyway. So far, this is best case scenario. Walt was being unusually stupid this episode, so I'm glad all lose ends look like they're being tied up nicely. Time to get the acid tub ready!
Do not read this if you don't want the story to be spoiled. There are details of tonights episode and predictions for next weeks episode.

My concern is exactly what you're predicting. I think Hank, Gomez and Jesse are going to get wasted within the next episode.

Marie is left with a cliffhanger and will be wondering where her husband is (knowing that he was last with Walt in custody). I think her struggle will be whether or not she should go to the police for assistance.

Walt is now forced into a situation where he has to cook for the Nazi's, and they have the coordinates to his money (although they may not realize it as of yet).

What I mean when I say I don't like it, is that I really hate to see the characters go. Walt has somehow found his way out of this situation, but this is definitely not how he wanted it to go down. I completely understand that it is good storytelling and is necessary for the story to progress.

It will be interesting to see how everything leads up to the two foreshadowing scenes from Walt's future a year down the road.


The only morality in a cruel world is chance.
It is the best show ever created. Anyone who hasn't seen it is really missing out. And fuck you gamemk. I am rooting for Walter.

Also the wire sucks hobo ass.


It's the best show i've ever seen, seinfeld is a different genre.

This show is a psychological thriller, its the most pressurized and suspenseful thing i have ever seen, and I have never seen a show that is so honest in its exploration of what it is to be a human being and what is behind all the walls we have build for ourselves, it's frighteningly both charming and terrifying. Its an insane combobulation of mixed emotions, it flips everything upside downs and sideways. I love it, I love game of thrones too but there's something too it that is just a bit more special.


Psychopathy and sociopathy are the same thing. Sociopathy has no clinical definition, it's just used to emphasise the cause of one's psychopathy.

I get that this show gets used as an excuse for people to let out all their negativity in private. It's a form of release - someone who succumbs to evil, gives the middle finger to the world and makes shit tonnes of money; something many ordinary people wish they could do.

It's just so depressing, though. Much like Dexter, but infinitely more well-written and produced. How nobody has put a bullet in Walter's brain before season 3, I don't know...

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
This thread made me think it was the last one which made me rush home and watch it.

That scene when Jack and them were prepping up was too hype. Unfortunately I was just pissed for most of it seeing as how all the cruel and twisted shit Walt made everyone go through would've been for nothing if they grabbed the money.

Poor Huel.