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Breaker System


ҜømbÄŦ Ħøu&Ŧøπ
I read an interesting Game spot article that made a speculation on the breaker System MKX might adopt as result of NRS' experimentation with the "Clash" system. In MK9, A breaker would involve the victim party of a combo to basically "smack" the opponent back and get out of the combo, and did not do any damage.


I wouldn't consider it too far out of the realm of possibility that breakers in this game might involve damage reversal in the form of a breaker "Parry" that has the victim pushing the opponent back in their own way, crush a limb or two before "knocking them back" like the classic MK9 breaker would.

Each character could do it differently too, based on their personality and fighting style.

It would keep the fight looking consistent in that cinematic "style," while not looking nearly as long winded and confusing as the clash system in Injustice did.

We are seeing Gameplay in a few days, but it would be fun to speculate on. What are your thoughts?


King of the Bill
I'm sure they will incorporate some type of combo breaker, especially since nrs games have really long winded combos. A parry move might be interesting