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ok, we ALL know the online of mk9 needs to be fixed. thats 1 problem. having no one to play? thats actually a separate issue for a lot of ppl, they just dont know it.



Really great video Tom. One of the basic foundations on which TYM is built is that Mortal Kombat should be(and now is) a tournament game. This is what we have all been working for over the past couple of years. Guys like Shock, Phil, Reo, Tom Brady, Krayzie Bone,Storms,Sweet Johnny Cage, L.I. joe, AC1984 and many many others have been laying this foundation for Mortal Kombat to be at tournaments. And now our moment is here.
To me whether the online is good or not is really insignificant, because with what we are going to do with this game it just doesnt matter.
And to every one who says like Tom mentioned when he was talking about Shock,"Well thats them, not me, I dont have anyone to play with" Well neither did Shock when he started. He built this shit from the ground up and he just never let up.
But heres the thing, Shock isnt magic, he doesnt have some kind of super power that lets him build communites while others cant. The fact is any of you could do what he did if you put your mind to it and just decided, "Screw this, I want to play this game the way it was meant to be played and I want to find other people who do to." Thats how Shock found Phil, how Phil found me and how I got Reo involved. It was as simple as Reo saying "Hey I want to go can I roll with you"
You guys can all do it, you just have to want to. And the payoff is well worth it because while everyone is complaining about how online sucks, tonight Im playing with 9.95 and Sweet Johnny Cage. And Im not trying to sound pompous and say "Ohhhh look at me I can play offline." Im saying Im not special, you all can do it.


i remember i decided to go 2 NEC that saturday...like almost in the afternoon lol. Didnt feel like going, but said fuck it ill go. Long ass trip but turned out to be so fun and one of the best umk3 tournaments ever.

regardless of who u are, community for this is pretty generous and cool. People should give it a chance when they can and realize the difference it makes for the game and for yourself.

U all kno who you are that iv been tellin u TYM can help u get to places if u dont have the cash.


Awesome BradyCast, no one could've said it better than Tom. Also - Offline=fun and great experience, online= trying to scratch an itch but you end up with a lot more itch.