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Boycott Metro 2033 Last Light!!!


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Folks, whether anyone cares or not I am at least posting this to inform people of another new bold move by a game publisher to reap extra money for things that would otherwise normally be free and part of the complete game.

The recent Metro Last Light game forces you to ay extra money to use the highest difficulty setting in the game. A mode called Ranger Mode. Granted its only an extra 5 bucks, but it is the moral principal of the idea of charging for this sort of thing. So we have seen nasty DLC practices before, ME3's day 1 DLC, SFxT's On disc content(practically half the f##king game), Asura's Wrath charging for the actual true ending of the game, EA's online passes for used games, Always online DRM for single player games, and many many other BS practices.

People if we don't start putting the foot down and holding our wallets about these practices the publishers and developers will continue to push farther and farther.

As the article below claims, we all use to joke that one day they will charge extra for difficulties and endings, surprise it has come to be. Also this isn't this company's first venture into BS DLC, a past project named Risen 2 (terrible game) had a full DLC add-on locked on the disc as well. the Company is Deep Silver, I provided a link below for both their past BS and the current BS.

Metro Last Light
Risen 2

Thankfully this was found out early!!!


Waiting for Havik
If the rumors about Injustice are true and the 2nd seasson pass is planned then we will have 8 chars DLC, that mean 1/4 of the cast you have to pay for ($30) to get the full game, and I believe they are already developed (at least almost finished)... Me no like it.


The Prettiest
The way I read the title, I had shit all fucked up... I thought you boycotted a metro something in the year of 2033 last night. I thought you were on some shit... Perhaps I need to get off what I'm on...

Anyway, I support this cause! Or strike! Or whatever...


Waiting for Havik
The way I read the title, I had shit all fucked up... I thought you boycotted a metro something in the year of 2033 last night. I thought you were on some shit... Perhaps I need to get off what I'm on...

Anyway, I support this cause! Or strike! Or whatever...


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
If the rumors about Injustice are true and the 2nd seasson pass is planned then we will have 8 chars DLC, that mean 1/4 of the cast you have to pay for ($30) to get the full game, and I believe they are already developed (at least almost finished)... Me no like it.
Okay, this post pisses me off. A developer creates a game, sends it to the publisher. Disks get packaged, sent to stores, and we end up buying them. Between the developer finishing their game and us buying the product, are they supposed to just sit back and do nothing? Or perhaps they could be working on DLC in the meantime, allowing for timely release.


Waiting for Havik
Okay, this post pisses me off. A developer creates a game, sends it to the publisher. Disks get packaged, sent to stores, and we end up buying them. Between the developer finishing their game and us buying the product, are they supposed to just sit back and do nothing? Or perhaps they could be working on DLC in the meantime, allowing for timely release.
Maybe you're right, but there are also a lot of opposite cases, like SfxT for example. I can't back up my assertion, that is why I say I believe. I can be wrong, I can be right.

Vulcan Hades

lol I hate games that force you to beat it easy to unlock normal mode. Then you have to beat it normal to unlock hard. Why can't I just go right into nightmare mode from the start. That's what I want, a challenge.

Just the idea of needing to "unlock" higher difficulties pisses me off. Imagine paying for it lol.

I remember the days when you had those options at the title screen: easy, normal or hard. Now easy is normal, normal is locked and hard is DLC.


Too old for this Shit
Will not be boycotting for said purposes.. Will be boycotting- cause lets face it.. Games gonna suck :)

Seriously though.. I have no problem shelling out for extra content on a game I enjoy. If it adds further enjoyment.. I'm all in all day.. Fighters/shooters seem to have more bang for the buck as well- they tend to have a more long term fan base/shelf life than your average beat it once and discard action game.
At the end of the day..All DLC is optional so meh :)


Will not be boycotting for said purposes.. Will be boycotting- cause lets face it.. Games gonna suck :)

Seriously though.. I have no problem shelling out for extra content on a game I enjoy. If it adds further enjoyment.. I'm all in all day.. Fighters/shooters seem to have more bang for the buck as well- they tend to have a more long term fan base/shelf life than your average beat it once and discard action game.
At the end of the day..All DLC is optional so meh :)

People like you need to stop being a thing.
This DLC may add to the game, but it shouldn't actually be "added." It's just base content held back to steal our money.
When people are actually stupid enough to buy it is when companies think it's a good idea and keep doing it.

Buy the game, fuck the DLC.
I'm still pretty excited for this game because I loved 2033, but shit like this is really putting a damper on that and making me leery of anything else they do from now on.


Waiting for Havik
This DLC may add to the game, but it shouldn't actually be "added." It's just base content held back to steal our money. When people are actually stupid enough to buy it is when companies think it's a good idea and keep doing it.
This is what I think too. I don't trust big companies ... :16Bit.


Too old for this Shit
People like you need to stop being a thing.
This DLC may add to the game, but it shouldn't actually be "added." It's just base content held back to steal our money.
When people are actually stupid enough to buy it is when companies think it's a good idea and keep doing it.

Buy the game, fuck the DLC.
I'm still pretty excited for this game because I loved 2033, but shit like this is really putting a damper on that and making me leery of anything else they do from now on.
People like you can........ Go F.... Pound sand

I work hard and play hard.. I buy my games for my enjoyment and for ME alone, not for you or anyone else. If someone is putting additional content that I want and will get more out of a game I enjoy.. I'm getting it.
And you want to know a secret? I'm not alonnnnneeee... In fact, many of the ass hurt clowns who cry about buying DLC and post ad nauseum about conspiracy and damn the man will in the end buy the DLC as well.. And companies know this!!!!
I will leave you with this- you can lie to me.. Just don't lie to yourself.
I'm done with you.. Will be playing candy crush til something worth it comes along.


Waiting for Havik
...If someone is putting additional content that I want and will get more out of a game I enjoy.. I'm getting it...
I think he means companies aren't "putting" additional content, they are "holding" original content (to put it later as DLC)... but how to prove it? that's the question, so it is just speculation.


Too old for this Shit
Oh no. 5 dollars...THQ gave away Metro 2033 on PC for FREE. I paid nothing for it and I didn't pirate it.
Now now.. Lets be kind and fair.. It is a bad economy.. Lots of people out of work.. Lots of people can't afford...

Wait a minute.. Arnt these forum DLC conspiracists using something to type on to access the forum? More than likely a computer, laptop or smart phone?! Yeah.. $5 does cripple a lot of the "under privileged "


People like you can........ Go F.... Pound sand

I work hard and play hard.. I buy my games for my enjoyment and for ME alone, not for you or anyone else. If someone is putting additional content that I want and will get more out of a game I enjoy.. I'm getting it.
And you want to know a secret? I'm not alonnnnneeee... In fact, many of the ass hurt clowns who cry about buying DLC and post ad nauseum about conspiracy and damn the man will in the end buy the DLC as well.. And companies know this!!!!
I will leave you with this- you can lie to me.. Just don't lie to yourself.
I'm done with you.. Will be playing candy crush til something worth it comes along.

What am I lying about? Not buying it? That's the god's honest truth.
If there's one thing you should know about me is that I hold principles above all else, and charging me more money for something I already bought is something that sorta falls on my "fuck that" list.


Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
I think what a few are not seeing is that this is DLC that was already produced and shipped with the game in general, it is withholding content to sell for the incentive to make you pre-order it. IGAU did it too, but it came in the form of things that do not affect the gameplay either, it came in the form of pre-order exclusive costume skins. When you purchase the add-on characters for IGAU they are not on the original disk you purchased, without the characters you still have a completeld game.

As some of you mentioned "So, what its just 5 bucks!" well think of of it form this standpoint, if you buy a car do you expect to pay extra to turn on the A/C, it is puposely withholding content for the sake of making an additional buck, content that is already fully developed and fuctional on your disk. This is not about the price of the DLC, it is about morals and ethics and this is bad ethics, it is business ethics 101 actually, you have to satisfy your customers if you want profit, this is not for the benifit of the consumer at all, it is more of punishment than anything.

Also xWEBSx: You are fully allowed to agree or disagree, you are allowed to purchase anything you want, but at least hear this out from looking at the bigger picture. By telling a company you are perfectly fine by this, it will be pushed even further, imagine purchasing a game, then finding out each difficulty will cost an additional 5 dollars, then if you want to use any other weapon than your base that will be an additional 5 dollars. Lets look at it in a FG's perspective. Currently any FG you buy when you play it you have access to the Story Mode, Training, Options, and any other additionaly modes, you are able to use special moves in a match and you can use large and short stringed combos. Imagine the game telling you after paying $60 that you have to pay extra for the practice mode, to play online you must buy a $15 pass, to you must pay extar $10 to use special moves, you must pay more to be able to link combos together. You start with 4 characters, you want the others that will be $5 a piece for each character in the game. It starts small, but eventually gets bigger. At least look at it that way. Also the way it was advertised is that this additional mode is HOW THE GAME WAS INTENDED TO BE PLAYED, in other words your $60 is not enough to play the experience you were intended to enjoy...