Nurgle Chaos God of Death and Disease
Folks, whether anyone cares or not I am at least posting this to inform people of another new bold move by a game publisher to reap extra money for things that would otherwise normally be free and part of the complete game.
The recent Metro Last Light game forces you to ay extra money to use the highest difficulty setting in the game. A mode called Ranger Mode. Granted its only an extra 5 bucks, but it is the moral principal of the idea of charging for this sort of thing. So we have seen nasty DLC practices before, ME3's day 1 DLC, SFxT's On disc content(practically half the f##king game), Asura's Wrath charging for the actual true ending of the game, EA's online passes for used games, Always online DRM for single player games, and many many other BS practices.
People if we don't start putting the foot down and holding our wallets about these practices the publishers and developers will continue to push farther and farther.
As the article below claims, we all use to joke that one day they will charge extra for difficulties and endings, surprise it has come to be. Also this isn't this company's first venture into BS DLC, a past project named Risen 2 (terrible game) had a full DLC add-on locked on the disc as well. the Company is Deep Silver, I provided a link below for both their past BS and the current BS.
Metro Last Light
Risen 2
Thankfully this was found out early!!!
The recent Metro Last Light game forces you to ay extra money to use the highest difficulty setting in the game. A mode called Ranger Mode. Granted its only an extra 5 bucks, but it is the moral principal of the idea of charging for this sort of thing. So we have seen nasty DLC practices before, ME3's day 1 DLC, SFxT's On disc content(practically half the f##king game), Asura's Wrath charging for the actual true ending of the game, EA's online passes for used games, Always online DRM for single player games, and many many other BS practices.
People if we don't start putting the foot down and holding our wallets about these practices the publishers and developers will continue to push farther and farther.
As the article below claims, we all use to joke that one day they will charge extra for difficulties and endings, surprise it has come to be. Also this isn't this company's first venture into BS DLC, a past project named Risen 2 (terrible game) had a full DLC add-on locked on the disc as well. the Company is Deep Silver, I provided a link below for both their past BS and the current BS.
Metro Last Light
Risen 2
Thankfully this was found out early!!!