Regarding patch improvements for Injustice: Gods Among Us... there are a lot of folks eager to know when and what is being patched. The latest patch that came with Lobo and although, those patch notes have not yet been revealed or published NetherRealm Studios is well-aware of the demand to know what's on the list. With this being said, Boon recently tweeted regarding the game-play improvements (patches) saying that with every DLC character released that they will come with a patch. In addition to this, since Batgirl was revealed just yesterday we can likely expect another "patch" in the coming weeks.

Secondly, NetherRealm Studios' Lead Designer, Paulo Garcia has offered a few tips for fighting against and as Lobo.

Source: noobde, pakostevens

Secondly, NetherRealm Studios' Lead Designer, Paulo Garcia has offered a few tips for fighting against and as Lobo.

Source: noobde, pakostevens
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