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Blood option?

According to the Nether Realm team
"Q: Is there a low gore mode for public events like tournaments?

NR: We don't have direct involvement with a lot of the tournaments, so tournament directors will have to decide how to handle this. We haven't done anything specifically to address these concerns. Gore is an integral part of the game, and especially due to X-Rays, there is no way to turn it down or off without making it a totally different game."

Interview at http://shoryuken.com/content/mortal-kombat-9-will-balanced-around-fairness-roundtable-interview-4240/
The 'gore' of the Fats are a different kettle of fish compared to the X-rays, which are more brutal than gory and incidental of the gameplay; whereas Fats are a dedicated aspect of the game.

I don't see why it would have been so hard to have implemented a slider for blood / gore level. Even if at a certain point X-rays were effectively 'switched off', it's optional and (most importantly) might just have been the 'loophole' the game needed to be okay'd in the likes of Germany and Australia. I've heard this was the case in past MKs in fact...

Pretty derrr-dumb obvious oversight by NRS, if you ask me.
What I don't understand is why would adult players (the game is intended for such audiences anyway) want to turn blood/gore off.
The 'gore' of the Fats are a different kettle of fish compared to the X-rays, which are more brutal than gory and incidental of the gameplay; whereas Fats are a dedicated aspect of the game.

I don't see why it would have been so hard to have implemented a slider for blood / gore level. Even if at a certain point X-rays were effectively 'switched off', it's optional and (most importantly) might just have been the 'loophole' the game needed to be okay'd in the likes of Germany and Australia. I've heard this was the case in past MKs in fact...

Pretty derrr-dumb obvious oversight by NRS, if you ask me.
Fatalitys i can understand but xrays are actually used mid match and is a tool to actually win the match.

Anyway, i think there is a code to turn off the blood. I think it is 900 900 but don't quote me on that.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Personally, I don't care and the game does have an M rating, but every previous MK option had the "turn blood off" switch, and fatalities would be disabled. Guess not this time around, but not a big deal to me.

It's trivial and means nothing for the gameplay itself so I do not care.