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Black Phantom Shenanigans: Demon's Souls Revisited


Gaming4Satan Founder
So recently I swore off playing MK9 online (because it makes you suck. Real talk.) and in my attempt to fill a void in online play I went back to an old favorite: Demon's Souls. Goddamn this game is awesome.

I started a new profile as a hunter and, because I was feeling ballsy, decided to take seriously the fight against the vanguard demon in the tutorial and actually beat him, unlocking the totally awesome secret opening where the Dragon God beats you to death. Brutal.

THEN, after beating 1-1, I go right to 2-1 and in the room where the dogs attack you (near the beginning) someone invades me. I'm like "wtf? how can someone be invading me at this low of a level?" but in any case, I hide by the door and backstab him as he runs by, which doesn't kill him and I fail to capitalize on this before he can heal himself. Then I see him bust out a scraping spear.

So I'm running away from this guy full speed while trying to take all my clothes off (lol) so they won't be destroyed by SS and then fight this guy naked with the punk little crushing battle axe +1 I picked up upstairs. Even though he killed the shit out of me, IT WAS SO MUCH FUN.

If this passage made any sense to anyone, please lets get some Demon's Souls in before they take the servers down.