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Big difference when playing on big TV vs a small benq/asus monitor?


How much does it effect your playing. I play on a big flatscreen like pretty much everyone else does and I have zero practice time on the monitors. Then I go to my local and just warming up I'm dropping all kinds of stuff because it felt different. Thinking about buying a monitor to play on at home.


Chode Juggler
Depends on the input delay. Makes a big difference for me

Buy a monitor with a low response time. 2ms is good. They cost about 200-300 if you get a benQ or less if you get a cheaper monitor with a TN panel
Reactions: jmt


Maybe I'll have something to say ... Probably not
Actually you don't want to look at response time from my understanding.

Use this site http://www.displaylag.com and look for something under 11ms you like, technically anything under 16 should actually work.

If you want a recommendation I use the Asus VX238H iirc 9ms input lag and it looks great.
Reactions: jmt


RIP Ex Smash
I'd rather play online with a yellow bar than switch from my TV to a new monitor offline.

The difference is huge, and there is no way you'll get used to the monitor unless you play everything on it. So if I really wanted to be serious about this game then I would buy a monitor, preferably Asus.
Reactions: jmt


i do notice the difference a lot
switched from a regular big ass tv to the benq 2411Z and it's been a blast ever since
also, i recently bought the portable monitor gaems m155, which works just as good as the benq and can be brought anywhere (even sessions while riding the train are possible)