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Question Best un Breaker-able setup straight after a reset?


There it is...
Title says it all..

I find my enemy always has a breaker after my b2 fb reset. i usually just net and do a buzz saw, this is to win the game ofc... otherwise i make them breaker it.


This one's for you
Using b2 after the reset gives you about 8% extra unbreakable damage. Depending on how much meter you & the opponent both have, you can add in ex bombs or an ex net to finish them off. And if the other player doesn't have armor (or doesn't have enough life to afford using armor) you could end with a hanging net into mixups. Check out the unbreakable combos in TonyT's video thread, there's a lot of good stuff there.


This one's for you
Hanging net only gives you a mixup if u start the combo in the air
Not exactly. They have to deal with whether or not you're going to do a deep jumpkick or crossover jip which are both hard to AA in this situation. And if they're so prepared to poke out they most likely will stop holding breaker, so you can slip in an uppercut/3~buzzsaw/something along those lines right before they fall from the net. Hope that makes sense...Mix ups ;)


There it is...
Oh right cool. surely armoured wakeup beats all those options. i usually time a fake deep jump kick and just command grab them again, then do unbreakable double AA mixups.