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Question Best Combos & BnBs for Sub Zero?


Hey guys im looking to learn and maybe main Sub Zero and would like to know his best combos, bnbs & resets i looked at the Sub Zero guide but those combos in there are all pretty much the same but slightly different.

So if you guys could list some sweet combos for Sub it would be greatly appreciated cheers.
... It's pretty much just the ones in the guide. Sub-Zero is not a flashy player with many different combos, there's almost no such thing as a "sweet combo" with him. At least, that is practical, anyways.


Pretty much what YougotCaged1 said.

If you need visual reference for those kombos:

The above kombo is the one that you cannot miss. This kombo should be memorized by your brain and fingers.

After you learn the kombo in the first vid to the point you don't ever miss it, you can practice the above kombos. :)

I hope I helped you. Good training! :top: