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Question Best Anti Air for Flash?


I try to use the flying uppercut, but it seems to whiff most of the time. Against characters like doomsday who jump in with d3 my flying uppercut does not work at all.

Does anybody have any idea how to Anti Air with Flash?


Flash does't have one lol. You have to either jump first and air to air, dash under them, or push block their jump in.


JI1 really is one of the best universal AAs in the game, Jumps don't take several frames to come out like they do in MK9 so a 5 frame Jumping attack is actually pretty viable for AA

His D2 can AA if you opponent did his jumping attack early, You kinda duck the end of their attack and launcher them with your legs. Of course this does depend on the Jump in

I have mixed results with his MB F3, most of the time i get hit and my opponent just blocks it after they land, MB F3's effectiveness probably depends on how long a characters jump animation is now that i think about it

Red Reaper

The Hyrax Whisperer
D2, it's just a weird timing. You kan also MB B3 or F3. I tend to MB B3 more than F3 but it depends on the angle.

Edit: I just realized there's two of these exact same threads..

Oh, GuamoKun! ! !