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Beginner Reptile.

Hello, I've just picked up Reptile and i've noticed he has alot of options.

Could you guys post some Beginners Strategy/Pressure options and such?

Thanks in advance.


Sinestro's might!
Start juggles with fast ball. It scales better than starting with slow ball.

122, fast, 32 slow, 321

At this point you can end with a slime slide for 2% or with a slow ball to continue pressuring the opponent.

You may want to pressure by sending out a slow ball or ex slow ball and dashing like mad. If they start trying to punish, the ball will hit them so great for pressure.

Enhanced acid spit I find is really underused. works like a godly version of sektors flamethrower. Use it to end combos or to stop someone jumping over your balls.

Use the 321 string and hit confirm it into either an acid hand or if it hits a dash into nj into 32 fast ball, slow ball and 321 and again, either slow ball for pressure or slime slide for damage.

Back 1 is your go to low in my eyes. His sweep is... really odd and I dont like it. Keeps your opponent standing and I think is safe.

Vary your balls when zoning. If you get into a rhythm they will get around it, mix up some spits in as well, it is a very fast move.

His x-ray goes through projectiles. Use this to your advantage against someone who starts spamming them.

These are the things I tend to use as Reptile.


Did you drop Mileena..?

- His elbow dash is pretty fast and really effective as a wake-up or to get in fast, for example after a forceball.
- Also cross up opponent after knockdown with elbow dash. Abuse Elbow dash basically.
- You can zone with acid spit, switch up with forceballs.
- Learn his BnB after a forceball connect from heart: forceball, 3, 2, other forceball, 3,2,1,slide
- A more damaging variant of this combo starts off up close with 3,2,1,elbow dash, then njp. Then BnB as above. This is hard to get down, but the damage is good (41%, ~44% from a jump in)
- Poke D4 is good, follow it up with acid backhand move. Backhand is overhead.
- His slow EX forceball stuffs wake-ups.

This is pretty basic stuff but should get you going.


The Mad_Hattr
Start juggles with fast ball. It scales better than starting with slow ball.

122, fast, 32 slow, 321

At this point you can end with a slime slide for 2% or with a slow ball to continue pressuring the opponent.
One thing I use is; 1,2,2~slide. I use this for a mix-up if they're stand blocking expecting the force ball, then Ill use EN spit to stop their wake-up. It's worked well for me.
Ow Hell naw, I didn't. I Main Mileena, but her damage output makes me feels a little odd. so i've got my eyes on trying Reptile, Kitana and Smoke.

BTW, We should have some games today, or tomorrow?


Sinestro's might!
One thing I use is; 1,2,2~slide. I use this for a mix-up if they're stand blocking expecting the force ball, then Ill use EN spit to stop their wake-up. It's worked well for me.
Not really a mix up if you vary it from 122 slide or 122 acid hand. The mix up goes from high high overhead, low or high high, overhead overhead respectively.


Scrublord McGee
End combos with acid hand if zoning would help you more than rushdown/turtling. And after a mid-range knockdown (i.e. such as after hitting with 3,2,1) follow up with Elbow Dash. Actually, just use Elbow Dash in place of regular Dash ... just memorize the distance. Also use Slide in place of Sweep: both are unsafe, but Slide is quicker and has longer range.


I'm really having trouble with the 122, fast, 32 slow, 321. After the fast ball i cant seem to land the slow one after he always lands on the ground before i can launch it


I'm really having trouble with the 122, fast, 32 slow, 321. After the fast ball i cant seem to land the slow one after he always lands on the ground before i can launch it
Practice practice practice. Just spend some time doing it over and over and over without getting frustrated. I could pull this combo off with my eyes closed it's so easy now. You just have to get into the rhythm of reptile.

Hell I used to think i'd never be able to land 321 elbow dash NJP etc.... but now I pull it off with ease. Thanks to about an hour of doing it over, and over, and over.


Practice practice practice. Just spend some time doing it over and over and over without getting frustrated. I could pull this combo off with my eyes closed it's so easy now. You just have to get into the rhythm of reptile.

Hell I used to think i'd never be able to land 321 elbow dash NJP etc.... but now I pull it off with ease. Thanks to about an hour of doing it over, and over, and over.
The funny thing is tho that i did it perfectly for a while like 5 times and then i just couldn't do it anymore :p


Let’s go crazy!
Hey um i need some with my reptile, i dont main him but i need some combos for him because my Reptile is getting his ass kicked

Kuai Liang

I want to get good with Reptile but I have no idea how you should go about playing him. I get whooped by other Reptiles but I guess I just I don't feel comfortable because Reptile feels so slow and I ground lock myself.


Reptile's normals are indeed slow; he'd lose cleanly in poking wars against the likes of the shaolin monks (lao and kang), cage, kitana's d1 and mileena's d4. Forget about rushdowns ala Lao/Cage/Kang, because his reg. dash is crap.

Everything you probably heard about his elbow dash is true; it's his primary weapon, very punishable but if nerfed, would render Reptile utterly useless. Memorize the max. range of the dash to increase your mobility and I strongly suggest learning from CHrisG's, Sabin's and THTB's tourney vids.

The best combo so far would be the first one posted by Lyuben; end the combo with a slide for easy damage, end with a slow FB or end with invis for more shenanigans; I myself have to learn more about mixing up with invis. I also notice ChrisG using this target combo ALOT. Unlike the other, more damaging variant that involves 321-> whiffed EDash, damage from this combo is more consistent.

But 3,2,1,, whiffed dash, njp,3,2,fforceball, sforeceball, 3,2,1, sldie does more damage? VERY true. But don't fret if you struggle at this combo; I'd concentrate on ways to hit your opponent more often. :)
Xxteefxx has a couple excellent reptile videos, their around here somewhere.....and like someone else said Chrisg videos are all good to watch.
I couldn't understand why people played reptile at first, he seemed very awkward but once I got his inner workings down I hate not using him.
He's a beasts and when you get him down you to will be beast

Kuai Liang

Is there anyone that plays a couple characters that might want to spar with me? I've been using Reptile almost as my main now and I'm doing pretty well considering how little experience I have with him. But basically I want to work on a few things because as of the moment, I have no real game plan or strategy with him. I kind of just go at it and get lucky I think. I just want to improve my game with him. I feel I dash, jump over, jip, 2, FFB too much. I want to work on dashing in and poking, other things that I could do instead of the same thing. I know someone said they would add me so we'll see but I'm just seeing if anyone else wouldn't mind. Trying to get better with Reptile as many ways as I can.


@kuai Liang

EDIT: wanted to invite you for a few games then I read your "location" info; nvm. The lag/delay would be infuriating. :p
Learn the space on your elbow dash, and learn how to cancel your dash into normals or specials on whiff. It recovers so quickly its basicly a run up in there face tool. You will learn how to abuse this overtime but make sure you know exactly how your dash works, how far it goes etc.

Learn how to condition your oposition with forceballs and mixups to set up some mind game.

Learn how to use your meter. Like when to ex sfb, or ex dash, or ex acid hand or spit.

When in doubt when your zoning spit.