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Becoming A Better Sorcerer.

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Cyrax: Battle Ready.
Stryker: Pretty Much Battle Ready.
Unchosen #3: Gone through damn near everyone and couldn't find anyone comfortable.
Then I said the hell with it, I'm gonna give Shang a try.
And y'know what? He really is a blasty blast to play as. I'm really digging this crazy bastard.
His skull juggles are sick, his SS gives me an excuse to learn more people & pick up some survival skills...
Granted, he has the slowest fucking uppercut I've ever seen, but I can forgive that. Because he rules hXc.
So I seek advice. Not just setups or combos or the usual, just a little general direction & matchup queries...
How does one go about stealing maximum souls with Mr. Tsung?
What would be a smart way or three to go about battling with him?

So far, my biggest issues have been mirror matches, Kabal(big surprise), Scorpion, and Smoke.
Teleport Puncnes are the devil...