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Battle of the Rattle: Curse of Naxxramas Hearthstone Tournament


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Hey guys, in a sort of semi-celebration of Curse being released tomorrow (as of posting) and all the hype, I'm going to be running a tournament. I want to give everyone a chance to play around with these new cards, and this upcoming Friday I'll be holding an online tournament for my fellow TYM-goers.

There is only a first-place prize: $20 in battlenet points, for your use in buying the remaining wings, splurging on packs, hunting in the arena, anything.

The rules are simple:
Each player will need at least 3 decks (or its advised) as this will be a best 2/3 tourney with the deck lock rule in effect. For those unaware, that means while the loser may switch to a different deck, the winner must keep his for the next fight.

This is an honor system, as I cannot hope to spectate every game I can only hope everyone is fair to their opponents and honest about the results. Let it be known, debating over the results will not end well for anybody. If a winner cannot be decided, then both players will be DQ'd. I don't want this to take too much time.

Lastly, please be a good sport. This is for fun, and if it goes well and everyone has a good time I may do another. This will NOT be your only chance, so don't let it become your final chance by ruining it for everyone else.

You can be disqualified for:
- Streaming or recording without permission from your opponent

- Posting video content before the end of the tourney, as it creates an unfair advantage for opponents viewing the content.

- Arguing about results. Be honest.

- Being unable to connect. It happens to everyone, but in the interest of time if you cannot connect to the opponent within 5 minutes of your matches' scheduled start then a connection test will be done with each player. The culprit will lose by default.

- Being a dick. Yes, if you get crazy salty because you lost to zoo/miracle/murloc priest then you can find yourself on the blacklist. Be humble in victory, and accepting in defeat.

I will need some people to help me run, if anyone is open to assisting me. Just message me on TYM.

Familiarize yourself with the rules, any questions you can post here. Anyone who owns the game is welcome, but don't enter if you aren't sure you'll be able to make it. Please and thank you for your time.

DATE: 7/25/14
TIME: 6:30PM central
Entry Fee: N/A
Seeding Requirement: N/A
Prize: $20 in Battlenet points, other prizes TBA, if any.

~ Doombawkz